[sci.bio] Information wanted about Ansaid

davidbe@sco.COM (The Cat in the Hat) (03/23/89)

This was given to me by my (a) doctor for treatment of my knee.  He described
it as a powerful anti-inflammatory drug.  Twice daily, on a full stomach.

The pills contain 100mg of Flubiprofin, and are distributed by Upjohn.

I know I may regret this, but does anyone have any information/horror stories
about this stuff?

Thanks.  I think.

David Bedno (The Cat in the Hat), Reachable at:  davidbe@sco.COM  -OR-
.!{uunet,sun,ucbvax!ucscc}!sco!davidbe  -OR-  At home: 408-425-5266 
	 At work: 408-425-7222 x5123 (I'm probably here...)
Disclaimer: Speaking from SCO but not for SCO.  Not by a long shot.

"Well what happened to your old engineers?"
		"We shot them because they were STUPID."