[sci.bio] Black Ghost Fish

seltzer@ut-emx.UUCP (Aaron J. Seltzer seltzer%emx@volta.ece.utexas.edu ) (11/03/88)

This question might seem a little strange, but I am hoping that one (or two)
of you biology types can help me.

I keep (and study) a fresh water fish tank, and have as one of my inhabitants
a Black Ghost Knife Fish (Sterachus albifons or sometimes called Apteronotus

I am aware that there is a good deal of interest in them from a biological
point of view since their primary sensory perseption is electric.  This
fish generates ac current (about 1v p-p at about 998hertz) from it's tail
to sensors along it's sides.  When an object enters the water around the
fish, the impedance of the electrical path changes, and the fish reacts.

This is of interest to researchers for a few reasons:

   1) The sensory organs, and reactions can be easily (?) followed at the
      neuron level, so insight to all senses can be found.

   2) The signal cannot be jammed.  If a similar signal is placed near the
      fish, he will "frequeny shift" his own sensor, and thus cannot be

I am looking for as much information on this interesting (and very beautiful)
fish as possible.  If any of you work with this fish, or know someone who does,
or if you have access to papers, books (anything!) on him, I would greatly 
appriciate any information and or contacts...

Please write back to:


Aaron J. Seltzer
3106 Speedway Apt. B202
Austin TX, 78705

(512)495-9514 home
(512)471-3665 lab

I will keep reading sci.bio for a while, or post to alt.aquaria (I always read
this, every day.)


-- Aaron