[sci.bio] Dinosaurs in Africa

anthony@uqcspe.cs.uq.oz (Anthony Lee) (11/19/88)

Several years ago there were some publicity of rumours of pygmies in Africa
finding Dinosaurs.  The story goes, a group of pygmies hunted down this
Dinosaur and killed it.  The pygmies then cut the flesh from the Dinosaur and
ate it.  Several pygmies died from eating the meat.  Does anybody remember 
what happened, did anyone try looking to see if there were anymore of the
creature ?  What part of Africa was it ?  Several years a movie was made on
the same line.  The actress in the movie also appeared in an earlier SF movie
Blade's (???) Runner.

Anthony Lee (Humble PhD student) (alias Doctor(Time Lord))
ACSnet:	anthony@uqcspe.cs.uq.oz		TEL: (07) 3712651
					     (07) 3774139 (w)
SNAIL: 243 Carmody Rd, St Lucia, 4067 Australia