[sci.bio] Looking for computer model of regional air pollution

neal@druhi.UUCP (11/11/87)

The Boulder County Health Department is looking for a system they can use
to model local air pollution.  This would help them make policy decisions (e.g.
about new proposals for industrial facilities, transportation corridors,
fireplace emissions, etc).

If you don't know what packages are available, where would you go to look for
them?  Are there good bulletin boards for governmental bodies?  Software
catalogs aimed at the scientific community?

Thanks for the help!
-Neal McBurnett, ihnp4!druhi!neal, 303-538-4852

rab@well.UUCP (11/22/87)

Neal D. McBurnett writes:
>The Boulder County Health Department is looking for a system they can use
>to model local air pollution.  This would help them make policy decisions
>(e.g. about new proposals for industrial facilities, transportation corridors,
>fireplace emissions, etc).

  I seem to recall recently reading that the Local Government Center
(2716 Ocean Park Boulevard, Suite 1062, Santa Monica, CA, 90405)
has a database of organizations and resources, including modelling
software and services.

  Robert Bickford                 {hplabs, ucbvax, lll-lcc, ptsfa}!well!rab
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