[sci.bio] Soil Scientists in the UK?

LLL1@PSUVM.BITNET (09/17/89)

I am a PHD candidate in soil science presently at Penn State University.
I would like to make contact with agronomists, soil scientists, agro-
ecologists, etc. in the UK, with hopes of learning about professional
meetings next June (1990) located in the UK. I am studying the spacial
and temporal distribution of nitrate in cropping systems supplied with
organic and inorganic sources of nitrogen.  My research is part of a
larger study measuring nitrate leaching from agro-ecosystems and subsequent
environmental impact.
I am interested in attending meetings in the UK next year so that I can
begin to make connections that will,hopefully, lead to a post-doc position
in the UK (preferably Scotland) in the summer of 1991.  Any ideas out
there on this one?  Please e-mail any responses, thanks - Laura.

jcorr@kean.mun.ca (JIM ORR, U. OF NEWFOUNDLAND, (709) 737-6635) (10/09/89)

In article <89260.123913LLL1@PSUVM.BITNET>, LLL1@PSUVM.BITNET writes:
> I am a PHD candidate in soil science presently at Penn State University.
> I would like to make contact with agronomists, soil scientists, agro-
> ecologists, etc. in the UK, with hopes of learning about professional
> meetings next June (1990) located in the UK. I am studying the spacial
> and temporal distribution of nitrate in cropping systems supplied with
> organic and inorganic sources of nitrogen.  My research is part of a
> larger study measuring nitrate leaching from agro-ecosystems and subsequent
> environmental impact.
> I am interested in attending meetings in the UK next year so that I can
> begin to make connections that will,hopefully, lead to a post-doc position
> in the UK (preferably Scotland) in the summer of 1991.  Any ideas out
> there on this one?  Please e-mail any responses, thanks - Laura.

I'd like to suggest two general approaches to the two questions posed

1) The I.S.I. (Science Citation Index etc.) publishes a (quarterly?)
booklet of forthcoming meetings spanning the next few years.

2) S.C.I. Corporate Index lists published articles by country and town
of origin.
             Jim Orr