[sci.bio] Underwater exploration

izahi@leland.Stanford.EDU (Raul Izahi Lopez Hernandez) (05/24/91)

Hi there,
   I'm about to finish my advanced degree in Electrical Engineering with
an emphasis in Real Time Image Processing. I'm interested in applying my
thesis to underwater exploration. My system is designed to process video
images improving and filtering them in real-time (as being captured).
   My thesis was inspired by seeing a video of the Jason project in the
mediterranean; they were recording video and later procesing it frame-by-frame,
the types of processing included filtering and contrast enhancement to improve
the quality of video taken underwater.
   The system that I have been working on is able to do the processing 
on-the-fly guaranteeing good images all the time. I would like to build a 
system that can be coupled to a Remote Operated Vehicle (mini sub) for 
applications in ocean exploration, specifically in biology.
   Can anybody provide me with some leads about who to talk to about this?
   Thanks in advance.

				e-mail:	 izahi@leland.stanford.edu
				US-mail: P.O. Box 9118
					 Stanford, CA 94309-9118