[sci.bio] Looking for telephone/address of Biodesign

shan@mcf.UUCP (Sharan Kalwani) (02/04/88)

Our institute is currently looking into CAMD (Computer Aided
Molecular Design) hardware/software packages. We are interested
in locating a company called Biodesign Inc of Pasadena. Does 
anyone have a contact name, address and telephone number?

If there are any other similar companies out there and they wish
to get in touch with us, please feel free to do so. As always,
thanks in advance.

sharan kalwani. mcf, 110 east warren detroit mi 48201. (313) 833-0710 x411
usenet: ...!{ihnp4!mibte, uunet!umix, philabs!fmsrl7, ucbvax!mtxinu}!mcf!shan
internet:  shan%mcf.uucp@umix.cc.umich.edu

hes@ecsvax.UUCP (Henry Schaffer) (02/05/88)

In response to a question on how to find a company which sells ...

One issue a year of the journal SCIENCE (published by the AAAS)
is devoted to a listing of all types of research apparatus (including
computers and software) and the companies which sell them.
(Many labs put that issue up on the shelf with the catalogs.)

--henry schaffer  n c state univ