[sci.bio] Table of Contents

wli@uxh.cso.uiuc.edu (07/16/89)

Journal COMPLEX SYSTEMS  devotes to the rapid publication of research on 
the science, mathematics, and engineering of systems with simple components 
but complex overall behavior. 


Vol 2, Number 1 (February 1988)

Klaus Sutner:	
	On sigma-Automata

Luciano R. da Silva, Hans J. Herrmann, Liacir S. Lucena:
	Simulations of Mixtures of Two Boolean Cellular Automata Rule

Gerald Tesauro, Bob Jansens:
	Scaling Relationships in Back-propagation Learning

Hwa A. Lim:
	Lattice Gas Automata of Fluid Dynamics for Unsteady Flow

Carsten Peterson, James Anderson:
	Neural Networks and NP-complete Optimization Problems;
	A Performance Study on the Graph Bisection Problem

Charles H. Goldberg:
	Parity Filter Automata

Vol 2, Number 2 (April 1988)

Michel Cosnard, Driss Moumida, Eric Goles, Thierry de St. Pierre:
	Dynamical Behavior of a Neural Automaton with Memory

Karel Culik II, Sheng Yu:
	Undecidability of CA Classification Schemes

Armin Haken, Michael Luby:
	Steepest Descent Can Take Exponential Time for Symmetric
	Connection Networks

Gerhard Grossing, Anton Zeilinger:
	Quantum Cellular Automata

Andre Barbe:
	Periodic Patterns in the Binary Difference Field

Carter Bays:
	Classification of Semitotalistic Cellular Automata
	in Three Dimensions

Vol 2, Number 3 (June 1988)

Carter Bays:
	A Note on the Discovery of a New Game of Three-dimensional Life

Hudong Chen, Shiyi Chen, Gary Doolen, Y.C. Lee:
	Simple Lattice Gas Models for Waves

Domenico Zambella, Peter Grassberger:
	Complexity of Forecasting in a Class of Simple Models

Steven Nowlan:
	Gain Variation in Recurrent Error Propagation Networks

D.S. Broomhead, David Lowe:
	Multivariable Functional Interpolation and Adaptive Networks

John Milnor:
	On the Entropy Geometry of Cellular Automata

Vol 2, Number 4 (August 1988)

Werner Krauth, Marc Mezard, Jean-Pierre Nadal:
	Basin of Attraction in a Perceptron-like Neural Network

Kristian Lindgren, Mats G. Nordahl:
	Complexity Measures and Cellular Automata

Jacek M. Kowalski, Ali Ansari, Paul S. Prueitt, Robert L. Dawes, Gunther Gross
	On Synchronization and Phase Locking in Strongly Coupled
	Systems of Planar Rotators

Ronald Rosenfeld, David S. Touretzky
	Coarse-Coded Symbol Memories and Their Properties

Avidan U. Neumann, Bernard Derrida, Gerard Weisbuch
	Domains and Distances in Magnetic Systems

Vol 2, Number 5 (October 1988)

Eric Goles, Andrew M. Odlyzko
	Decreasing Energy Functions and Lengths of Transients for Some
	Cellular Automata

James A. Reggia, Patric M. Marsland, Rita Sloan Berndt
	Competitive Dynamics in a Dual-route Connectionist Model of
	Print-to-sound Transformation

Lyman P. Hurd
	The Non-wandering Set of a CA Map

Tal Grossman, Ronny Meir, Eytan Domany
	Learning by Choice of Internal Representations

Berengere Dubrulle
	Method of Computation of the Reynolds Number for Two Models
	of Lattice Gas Involving Violation of Semi-detailed Balance

Gerhard Grossing, Anton Zeilinger
	Quantum Cellular Automata: A Corrigendum

Vol 2, Number 6 (December 1988)

Sara A. Solla, Esther Levein, Michael Fleisher
	Accelerated Learning in Layered Neural Networks

Jonathan Engel
	Teaching Feed-Forward Neural Networks by Simulated Annealing

Klaus Sutner
	Additive Automata on Graphs

David M. Chess
	Simulating the Evolution of Behavior: the Iterated Prisoners'
	Dilemma Problem

Frank J. Smieja, Gareth D. Richards
	Hard Learning the Easy Way: Backpropagation with Deformation

Stewart Wilson
	Bid Competition and Specificity Reconsidered

	For more information on COMPLEX SYSTEMS, send mail to

Complex Systems Publications, Inc.
P.O.Box 6149				jcs@complex.ccsr.uiuc.edu (Arpanet)
Champaign, IL 61821-8149 USA		jcs%complex@uiucuxc.bitnet(Bitnet)