[sci.bio] E&S buys Tripos, will support SGI software

roy@phri.UUCP (Roy Smith) (07/08/87)

	My Evans and Sutherland salesperson called me the other day and
told me something very interesting.  It seems that E&S has bought Tripos
Associates, Inc.  Tripos marketed Sybyl, a well-known molecular modelling
program which runs on both E&S PS-300 series machines and on the Silicon
Graphics IRIS workstations.  The real interesting part is that E&S will
continue to support and market the SGI version of the program!  Considering
that E&S and SGI are (at least in my mind) each other's primary competition
I think that's pretty amazing.  I'm not 100% sure I got the story straight,
but I think I did.  Maybe E&S is looking to buy SGI too? :-)

	The other thing I was told was that E&S is pushing hard to get more
Unix applications up on their hardware.  To date, a lot of the best
molecular modelling software for PS-300's only runs on VMS which has been a
sticking point for us.  We think the E&S is a superior graphics box
compared to the IRIS, but aren't too happy about having to buy a uVAX/VMS
system just to run it (we're strictly a Unix shop so far).
Roy Smith, {allegra,cmcl2,philabs}!phri!roy
System Administrator, Public Health Research Institute
455 First Avenue, New York, NY 10016

coray@nucsrl.UUCP (Elizabeth) (07/10/87)

/ nucsrl:sci.bio / roy@phri.UUCP (Roy Smith) /  4:01 pm  Jul  7, 1987 /

	My Evans and Sutherland salesperson called me the other day and
told me something very interesting.  It seems that E&S has bought Tripos
Associates, Inc.  Tripos marketed Sybyl, a well-known molecular modelling
program which runs on both E&S PS-300 series machines and on the Silicon
Graphics IRIS workstations.  The real interesting part is that E&S will
continue to support and market the SGI version of the program!  Considering
that E&S and SGI are (at least in my mind) each other's primary competition
I think that's pretty amazing.  I'm not 100% sure I got the story straight,
but I think I did.  Maybe E&S is looking to buy SGI too? :-)

	The other thing I was told was that E&S is pushing hard to get more
Unix applications up on their hardware.  To date, a lot of the best
molecular modelling software for PS-300's only runs on VMS which has been a
sticking point for us.  We think the E&S is a superior graphics box
compared to the IRIS, but aren't too happy about having to buy a uVAX/VMS
system just to run it (we're strictly a Unix shop so far).
Roy Smith, {allegra,cmcl2,philabs}!phri!roy
System Administrator, Public Health Research Institute
455 First Avenue, New York, NY 10016