[sci.bio] age & evolution

gray@boulder.Colorado.EDU (Matt Gray) (05/21/88)

(Sorry I am posting this on the net, but I could not get to you through email)
To: c60c-5aa@web8h.berkeley.edu.UUCP
In-Reply-To: <10164@agate.BERKELEY.EDU>
References: <526@aplcomm.UUCP> <2259@bgsuvax.UUCP> <538@aplcomm.UUCP> <2278@bgsuvax.UUCP>
Organization: University of Colorado, Boulder


Thanks for your reasonable comments on this subject.  It is a real drag to have
to plow through the uninformed bickering that those fellows keep posting.
They need to read up on the subject of neotony, and then they should carry their
discussion on by themselves via email.  Sorry if this seems like a flame, 
especially when you are not the one that deserves it.  I'm just glad that
someone else out there realizes how foolish these guys seem by carrying on this

Matt \      /\/\  /|email: gray@boulder.Colorado.EDU
  /***\  /\/*/**\/*|Department of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology
 /  /\ \/**\/    \ |University of Colorado, Boulder    
/__/**\/____\_____\|(303) 492-7848
Matt \      /\/\  /|email: gray@boulder.Colorado.EDU
  /***\  /\/*/**\/*|Department of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology
 /  /\ \/**\/    \ |University of Colorado, Boulder    
/__/**\/____\_____\|(303) 492-7848

jwm@stdc.jhuapl.edu (Jim Meritt) (05/24/88)

In article <6164@sigi.Colorado.EDU> gray@boulder.Colorado.EDU (Matt Gray) writes:
}(Sorry I am posting this on the net, but I could not get to you through email)
}To: c60c-5aa@web8h.berkeley.edu.UUCP
}In-Reply-To: <10164@agate.BERKELEY.EDU>
}References: <526@aplcomm.UUCP> <2259@bgsuvax.UUCP> <538@aplcomm.UUCP> <2278@bgsuvax.UUCP>
}Organization: University of Colorado, Boulder
}Thanks for your reasonable comments on this subject.  It is a real drag to have
}to plow through the uninformed bickering that those fellows keep posting.
}They need to read up on the subject of neotony, and then they should carry their
}discussion on by themselves via email.  Sorry if this seems like a flame, 
}especially when you are not the one that deserves it.  I'm just glad that
}someone else out there realizes how foolish these guys seem by carrying on this

I would like to read up on neotony.  The library at the Applied PHYSICS lib
is a little short on biology, but if you could post (or email) some of the
more current references I would appreciate it.  I could inter-library loan

And I apologize for those who posted those follow-ups inappropriately.  I
posted the original article to what appeared relevant groups and asked what
I thought were reasonable questions.  I definitely did NOT want the flamers
to have a cross-posting field day.  Sorry....
So, talk.origin flamers GO AWAY!!!!!!!

(I tried a email too, and it bounced also.)

Disclaimer: Individuals have opinions, organizations have policy.
            Therefore, these opinions are mine and not any organizations!
jwm@aplvax.jhuapl.edu  (James W. Meritt)