[sci.bio] Wanted: Unicellular Organism Simulation

kibo@pawl16.pawl.rpi.edu (James Parry) (01/11/89)

	I'm interested in any programs people might have for simulating
single-celled organisms (their evolution, their population, their
biochemistry, etc... anything...)  Can anyone help?
	Thanks in advance!

james "kibo" parry          |  "some days you just can't get rid of a bomb."
kibo%pawl.rpi.edu@itsgw.rpi.edu (internet)
userfe0n@rpitsmts (bitnet)  |  anything i say represents the opinion of my
72347,2731 (compuserve)     |  employer, interwox media, which is me.

mlloyd@maths.tcd.ie (Michael Lloyd) (01/13/89)

In article <2285@imagine.PAWL.RPI.EDU> you write:
>	I'm interested in any programs people might have for simulating
>single-celled organisms (their evolution, their population, their
>biochemistry, etc... anything...)  Can anyone help?
>	Thanks in advance!
>james "kibo" parry          |  "some days you just can't get rid of a bomb."
>kibo%pawl.rpi.edu@itsgw.rpi.edu (internet)
>userfe0n@rpitsmts (bitnet)  |  anything i say represents the opinion of my
>72347,2731 (compuserve)     |  employer, interwox media, which is me.

I know a response to this should be e-mailed, but something seems to go
wrong when I try to do that, so I shall post this.  Anyone else who is
interested can contact me also.

Prepared letter:
Given that you said `anything`, I thought I might drop you a line.  I`m
not at all sure I have what you are interested in, but all the same ...

I developed (as one of a team of Macintosh programmers) a simulation
program for cell mitosis.  I am no biologist - I`m a mathematician,
statistician or computer scientist, as the mood takes - so I don`t
know if this has anything to do with what you are talking about.

The program is a simulation of the growth of a tissue of cells, some
of which have been specially labelled.  These labelled cells are
monitored as they flow around the usual 4-state system, M-G1-S-G2,
multiplying as they go.  The point of this was to apply stochastic
model theory - that is, make the motion of each cell random, according
to a selectable distribution, and watch the resulting effects.

Let me know if this relates at all to what you want (I`m not sure it does).
I can give you many more details of how the program operates, what you
can vary in the program, and (of course) how you can get a copy.

Hope I haven`t wasted your time,


Mike Lloyd, Dept of Statistics, |"Does anyone understand what is happening? ..
Trinity College, Dublin,        |  They tell me this is living -
Ireland.                        |   They tell me this is LIFE!"
(mlloyd@uunet.uu.net)           | - Michael Been, of "The Call"