[sci.bio] Conference Announcement: Indust. Appl. Comp. Chem., Cornell Univ.

kahn@batcomputer.tn.cornell.edu (Shahin Kahn) (05/03/88)

Conference Announcement:     Register by May 20th.


                        15-16 June 1988

                       Cornell University
                        Ithaca, New York

Sponsored by :  Cornell Theory Center
                Floating Point Systems, Inc.

The Corporate Research Institute of The Center for Theory and
Simulation in Science and Engineering at Cornell University; and
Floating Point Systems Inc. will co-host a conference on the
Industrial Applications of Computational Chemistry, to be held at
Cornell University, in Ithaca, New York, on 15-16 June 1988.

The conference will feature
   - Lectures by distinguished scientists from academia and the industry
   - Exhibits by vendors                                                e
   - Programs and research on the Cornell National Supercomputer Facility
   - A panel/open discussion on the subject of "Technology Transfer from
     the Academia to the Industry, and Future Computing Requirements",

Abbott Laboratories, Corning Glass Works, Floating Point Systems, Ford
Motor Company, Monsanto, Upjohn, Cornell University, University of
California at San Francisco, Cornell National Supercomputer Facility,
and Argonne National Laboratory will be represented.


A registration fee of $80 will cover meals, conference material, and
the proceedings.

Registration closes on May 20th.

For further information, contact:
     Ann Redelfs
     Cornell Theory Center
     265 Olin Hall
     Cornell University
     Ithaca, New York 14853

     (607) 255-8686