[sci.bio] Bats revisited, again

arf@gagme.chi.il.us (jack schmidling) (06/29/91)

 Article 4715 (3 more) in sci.bio:
 From: pbrewer@urbana.mcd.mot.com (Philip Brewer)
 Subject: Re: BATS revisited
 >Different species of bat echo-locate different ways.  One well-studied
 species (I forget which one, but could find out if anybody is really
 interested) varies pulse frequency and rep-rate in a more complex
 fashion than just as a function of distance to the target.
 ARF says:
 There is a fairly good article on bat echo-location in the current issue of 
 "BATS" for anyone interested.
 "BATS" is published by: Bat Conservation International
                         Box 162603
                         Austin, TX 78716-2603
                         (512) 327 9721
 I am sure they would be happy to send out a copy along with a membership info 
 packet to anyone who asks.   Tell 'em I sent you.
 You might also check out a copy of the internationally acclaimed video,
 "BATS ARE BEAUTIFUL"  from your local library.  It just so happens to have 
 been produced by yours truly.  If they do not have it, I know where they can 
 buy one.
 Jack Schmidling Productions