[sci.bio] Ethics of eradicating species

arromdee@cs.jhu.edu (Kenneth Arromdee) (05/28/91)

In article <callahan.675374699@newton.cs.jhu.edu> callahan@cs.jhu.edu (Paul Callahan) writes:
>Those are my opinions.  I am not so much interested in having others
>adopt them as in having others admit that there are ethical questions involved,
>and *clearly define* the principles they are using before going ahead with 
>large-scale irreversible acts.  It's easy to dismiss my concerns as mere  
>pedantry or monomania, but as technological power increases, such questions
>will become very real.

The implication here is that it is possible to postpone "going ahead" with
events until their ethics have been decided.  This implication is often false;
it may very well be that there are consequences of failing to do it which are
equally as severe and equally as irreversible as those of doing it.
"Let's see your power stop me now, Deus ex Machina Man!"
[safe falls on villain]
"Not bad...."

Kenneth Arromdee (UUCP: ....!jhunix!arromdee; BITNET: arromdee@jhuvm;
     INTERNET: arromdee@cs.jhu.edu)