[sci.bio] Looking for molecular modeling software for Sun 3/'s

sim@phri.UUCP (Kristian Simsarian) (10/22/88)

	We are very interested in finding some software that runs on Sun
3's that does molecular modeling.  If you use any of these kind of
programs I would like to hear your suggestions/ reviews. The
programs/libraries can be either in the public domain or fairly priced
	Some people here are interested in making pretty pictures of
the physical structure of viruses and DNA.
	I am also interested in hearing about any powerful graphics
packages available that may provide an environment for the development
of some applications.
	Now we are running SunTools, but I am interested in stuff based
on X and NeWS as well.

	Thanks in advance.
Kristian T. Simsarian		
Public Health Research Institute, NYC		(212)  578-0875
{allegra,philabs,cmcl2,rutgers}!phri!sim -or- phri!sim@uunet.uu.net
xxxsim@asparagine.phri.nyu.eduxxx (not on internet yet)