[sci.bio] DIALL: fortran -> C

jim@forgen.UUCP (Jim Hood) (05/31/88)

Just a longshot:

Has anyone converted  DIALL (General Least Squares Analysis of Diallel
Experiments by H.E. Schaffer and R.A. Usanis) from fortran to C?
Jim Hood, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Toronto
{decvax!utcsri uunet!attcan pyramid!utai ihnp4!utzoo}!lsuc!forgen!jim

hes@ecsvax.UUCP (Henry Schaffer) (06/05/88)

In article <213@forgen.UUCP>, jim@forgen.UUCP (Jim Hood) writes:
> ... 
> Has anyone converted  DIALL (General Least Squares Analysis of Diallel
> Experiments by H.E. Schaffer and R.A. Usanis) from fortran to C?
> --
> Jim Hood, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Toronto
> {decvax!utcsri uunet!attcan pyramid!utai ihnp4!utzoo}!lsuc!forgen!jim

  I've converted it to FORTRAN77 (using the Lahey F77L compiler on an
IBM PC) and it runs the test data ok, but I don't have the input
routines as smooth as I would like, and there a still a few areas where
the compiler complains about my grammar.  All of this should be fixed
soon (soonish?)

  For a copy of both the programs and the documentation send me a
formatted dsdd 360k diskette in a mailer.

--henry schaffer  n c state univ

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