[sci.bio] ELF research

jgk@osc.COM (Joe Keane) (02/05/90)

In article <8139@sybase.sybase.com> maas@shanti.UUCP (Mike Maas) writes:
>As long as we're going to get into this topic again does anyone have any
>authoritative information about the harmful effects of living near high
>tension lines?  Would living within 100 feet be mush less dangerous than
>living withing 10 feet etc.?

If you mention dangers of electromagnetic fields, people translate this to
electric fields, and thus think about high-voltage transmission lines.  This
is understandable, since these are the most visible and imposing part of the
power system, and everyone knows you don't want to climb a tower and play with
the wires.  However, i think this is a dangerous simplification.  I think the
real danger comes from the magnetic fields, and thus it is high current that
you should watch out for.  But this is much more difficult, since high current
conductors are much less visible; you can be standing on top of a secondary
carrying thousands of amperes and not even know it.  Whether this is more
dangerous than standing right under a high-voltage transmission line is hard
to say; certainly the energy density involved is orders of magnitude higher.