[sci.bio] About those frogs...

migoo@cs.mcgill.ca (Miguel ANJOS) (01/09/91)

	First, thanks to everyone who answered my previous article. 

	To anyone who may have been interested in the question I raised
about two weeks ago, here are the most significant answers I obtained.
Note I took the liberty of performing some editing to reduce the size
of the posting, as I myself dislike huge articles :-)


From: Andrew Taylor <andrewt@cs.su.oz.au>

There are or at least were two species of gastric brooding frog
known. They both come from rainforest streams in coastal Queensland (Australia).
The first became extinct only a couple of years after being discovered.
I think the second still exists in very small numbers.

A reference is:

"Gastric Brooding Frog" edited by Michael Tyler Croom-Helm(1983).


From: Bill Venables <wvenable@spam.ua.oz.au>

	Dr. Michael J. Tyler of the 

	Department of Zoology, 
	The University of Adelaide,
	GPO Box 498,
	Adelaide, South Australia,	5001

	was the main scientist responsible for the discovery of the
	gastro-incubating frogs (there are more than one species of them)
	and he has written a short booklet on them.  I do not have the
	title but if you cannot locate it you could either look up his name
	in a Science Citations Index or write to him directly requesting

	Regards,	Bill Venables.
  Bill Venables, Dept. of Statistics,  | Email: venables@spam.adelaide.edu.au
  Univ. of Adelaide,  South Australia. | Phone:                +61 8 228 5412