[sci.bio] Restoring The Earth 1988, Berkeley, CA

edward_ambrose_sullivan@cup.portal.com (08/05/87)


will be held on January 13 - 16 at the University of Califonia, Berkeley.
The conference is organized by the Restoring the Earth project of the Tides
Foundation, San Francisco, and cosponsored by both the College of Natural
Resources and the Center for Environmental Design Research of the University
of California, Berkeley.

Topics to be covered include restoration of coastal ecosystems and estuaries;
rivers and lakes; streams and fisheries; rangelands, prairies, mined lands,
forests and wildlife; atmosphere and climate; dry lands and agricultural lands;
urban environmental planning; and control of toxic wastes.  Formal refereed
papers will be presented at scientific and technical sessions.  Non-technical
sessions will include accounts of restoration successes and discussions of
policy issues, legislation, litigation, trends, and resource conflict
resolution.  The program also includes keynote panels, plenary sessions,
workshops, films, and exhibits.

Deadline for call for papers is October 15, 1987.  Submit 4 copies of abstract
(title and 200-400 word descriptions of proposed 20-minute presentations). 
Final text of accepted papers will be due November 30, 1987.  Information
is available from:  Restoring the Earth Conference,
1713 Martin Luther King, Jr. Way, Berkeley, CA 94709, or
telephone (415) 843-2645.