[sci.bio] Rare radioisotope needed!

shaddock@rti.UUCP (Mike Shaddock) (01/28/88)

A researcher at North Carolina State University desperately needs to
find a source of P-33 phosphate radioisotope to continue research in
progress.  Apparently, Oak Ridge is down, and no one seems to have the
short half-life stuff around.  It you know of a source or a supplier
anywhere on the planet, a speedy reply could save some research.  The
isotope has to reach Raleigh by March.

Please contact

	Joanne Burkholder (+1 919 737 2727) or
	Richard Winder (+1 919 737 2222)
	Botany Dept.
	North Carolina State University
	Raleigh, NC, USA  27695-7612

or send me mail, and I'll see that one of them gets the message.

(Sorry for the cross-postings into sci.med and sci.physics, but P-33
was formerly used in bone cancer research and the physics people just
might know where some is).
Mike Shaddock	{decvax,seismo,ihnp4,philabs}!mcnc!rti!shaddock

"You're in a twisty maze of sendmail rules, all obscure."

mwj@a.UUCP (William Johnson) (01/31/88)

(To everybody but Mike S.: I tried mailing this several times, but it
bounced, so I'm posting instead.  Sorry.)

Can your friend make do with P-32 instead?  It's also a pure beta emitter of
a couple of weeks halflife, and a lot easier to get.  Try New England Nuclear.

If P-33 is absolutely essential, mail to me (including a path that works!);
I can't promise anything, but have some friends who might be able to help.

Bill Johnson						Opinions?  Who
Los Alamos National Laboratory				has opinions?