[sci.bio] Strange debunking in Nature article

werner@aecom.YU.EDU (Craig Werner) (08/03/88)

	I recently read the report of the committee in Nature.  It appears
that James Randi's role was to check for sleight of hand and other signs
of tampering.  There was none to speak.  What there was to find was just
somewhat "unblinded" blind studies.  There was no evidence of fraud.  There
were just significant methodological problems that invalidate the experimental
results.  Basically, one can translate "typical results are presented" to
"only a few particularly good results are presented."

	And as I mentioned when I summarized the original article, even if
it were true, it still wouldn't really have any application to Homeopathy,
since the results violated many of the tenets of homeopathy as well.

	        Craig Werner   (future MD/PhD, 4 years down, 3 to go)
	     werner@aecom.YU.EDU -- Albert Einstein College of Medicine
              (1935-14E Eastchester Rd., Bronx NY 10461, 212-931-2517)
     "The proper delivery of medical care is to do as much Nothing as possible"