[sci.bio] Neural-Net books wanted

hal@hades.OZ (Hanif A. Ladha) (01/12/89)

Could the wonderful people in netland please recommend books on
Neural-Networks. Please email and I will summarise to the net. Thanks in

Hanif A Ladha         | AUSONICS PTY LTD 16 Mars Road | Voice: +61 2 428-6480
(hal@ausonics.oz)     | Lane Cove NSW 2066 Australia  | Fax:   +61 2 428-3990

richman@uxe.cso.uiuc.edu (01/22/89)

I have about a 400 line summary of this sort of information, however,
my mailer claims that your host is unknown.  Try to e-mail me a 
message stating interest in posting the full-blown summary or supply
me with a valid path(s).  Thanks.
Mike Richman
internet: richman@uxe.cso.uiuc.edu
bitnet: richman%uxe.bitnet@uiucvmd
uucp:  {puree,convex,uunet,...}!uiucuxc!uxe!richman

mmm@cup.portal.com (Mark Robert Thorson) (01/25/89)

I would like your 400 line summary, too.  I tried mailing you a letter, but
it got returned.  Consider posting your summary.