[sci.bio] Liver Neoplasia In Freshwater Fish

smalley@pilot.njin.net (John Smalley) (09/15/89)

I am currently working on a histopathology project involving the
occurrence of neoplasms in the livers of Brown Bullhead Catfish native
to the area near the Ohio River.  Any information (references
regarding liver neoplasia in freshwater fish or protocols for the
processing of the liver tissue of freshwater fish for examination by
light microscopy and electron microscopy) would be greatly

If possible, please send all replies to me at either of these
					Thank you very much,
                                          John V. Smalley
"Imagination is more important than knowledge." - A. Einstein

smalley@pilot.njin.net (John Smalley) (10/20/89)

I am currently working on a project which involves microscopical (LM,
SEM, TEM) examination of the livers of Brown Bullhead Catfish
(Ictalurus nebulosus) for the incidence of liver tumors.  The fish
under study are native to the region near the Ohio River.  Any
information regarding liver neoplasia in freshwater fish would be
greatly appreciated.

Please send all responses to either of these addresses:


						Thank you,

					     John V. Smalley
"Imagination is more important than knowledge." - A. Einstein