[sci.bio] ecology or animal behav. ugrad summer jobs?

hiebeler@cs.rpi.edu (Dave Hiebeler) (02/24/90)

  Could someone suggest some organizations/universities/companies that
might have summer positions available for undergrad students?  A
friend of mine in biology (without net access) is interested in
ecology & the environment, and also in animal behavior, and is looking
for a job this summer where she might learn something interesting and

  If you could send me addresses and/or phone #'s of places that might
be appropriate, I'd appreciate it.  Apparently, the career placement
people at her university haven't been very helpful.

  She'd prefer to find something in the New England area, but that is
not a strict requirement.
  Thanks in advance for any info you can supply.

Dave Hiebeler / Computer Science Dept. / Amos Eaton Bldg. /
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute / Troy, NY 12180-3590 USA
Internet (preferred): hiebeler@turing.cs.rpi.edu   Bitnet: userF3JL@rpitsmts