[sci.bio] Prince William Sound has recovered?

greg@uncecs.edu (Greg Kohlbach) (01/28/91)

Amid all the brouhaha about the Persian Gulf oil spill,
I have repeatedly heard asserted that the long-term ecological
damage to Prince William Sound seems to be slight, based primarily
on reports that "the fishing is very good."

I wonder about this.  Couldn't the present good fishing be a reflection
of continuing depression of population among the species that
normally compete with us for fish, like sea mammals, rather than
reflecting the ability of the ecosystem to bounce back?  Has this
been studied?  Is anyone mounting a serious challenge to the
assertion that PW Sound is now healthy?  What's the data?

Just muddying the water ;-) Greg K.

Greg Kohlbach                             | Internet: greg@ecsvax.uncecs.edu
Computer Systems Coordinator              | BITNET: greg@ecsvax
University of North Carolina              | Office Tele: (919)966-3256
Mathematics and Science Education Network | Home Tele: (919)489-6725