[sci.bio] How to Argue with Creation Scientists

rising@utzoo.uucp (Jim Rising) (12/12/88)

Carefully!  Recall that these people are not trying to objectively
discuss phenomena.  Rather, they are advocating a particular view
(like a lawyer, not a scientist), and certainly are willing to lie
or misrepresent fact to score a debating point.  So, it is important
to listen carefully to what they say in order to catch them on their
errors of fact.

They usually emphasize the lack of certainty that is inherent in
much science.  E.g., scientists do not know the precise age of the
Earth (they oft talk about the approximate nature of isotope dating--
citing 14C!).  Ergo, the argument goes, they cannot be sure that it
isn't only 10 000 years old.

They'll mention the "existence" of human footprints along side of
those of dinosaurs in Texas.  False, of course.  They'll say that 
Archaeopteryx has been shown to be a hoax.  False, of course.  Or,
they'll say that Archaeopteryx isn't a "missing link" because it is
a bird (of course an artifact of our system of non-overlapping taxa).

Evolution cannot occur because it violates the 2nd law of thermodynamics.
(Silly quasi-scientific argument).  Or better, "Evolution cannot 
occur because it is against the Hardy-Weinberg Law--one of the basic
tenets of Population Genetics".  

Good luck!   As silly as these argument are, they persuade people
who know nothing about them, so it is difficult for a scientist to
counter these people.

--Jim Rising
Name:     Jim Rising
Mail:     Dept. Zoology, Univ. Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada    M5S 1A1
UUCP:     uunet!attcan!utzoo!rising 
BITNET:   rising@utzoo.utoronto.bitnet

charlie@mica.stat.washington.edu (Charlie Geyer) (12/14/88)

Not in this newsgroup.  Creation/Evolution discussions belong in
talk.origins.  Post there and some creationists will argue back.