[sci.bio] statistics for testing spatial heterogeneity of mtDNA haplotype frequencies

BIO252@YaleVM.YCC.Yale.Edu (01/11/89)

In a paper by DeSalle et al. (1987; Genetics 116:215-223) a method
is proposed to assess heterogeneity between populations using mtDNA
haplotypes using arsin, square-root transformed frequency of a given
haplotype in the following statistic:
 V = 4 x summation ni *((ai - mean a) squared)
 where ni = the number of individuals in the ith sample, ai = the
number of individuals in the ith pop. with the haplotype of interest,
mean a = sum ni x ai/N, N = total number of individuals in all pop.
and r = the number of populationns. Under the
null hypothesis of no geographical heterogeneity, V is distributed as a
Chi-Square with r-1 degrees of freedom.  The significance of Fst values
are tested with the V statistic.  In examples with two haplotypes,
alternate haplotypes give similar V values.  But where several haplotypes
occur, it appears that V values calculated for any one of them may
underestimate or over estimate between population heterogeneity.  Any
suggestions on how to alter this statistic to give an average of all