[sci.bio] marine bio

mike@altger.UUCP (Mike Hoffmann) (01/30/90)


I would second sci.bio.marine!
I'm very interested in MArine Biology, but often skip reading sci.bio,
because of the mass of other biological topics spoken about, in there.

How about an official CALL FOR DISCUSSION?

! Mike Hoffmann      ! It's difficult      ! UUCP:                          !
! Fasangartenstr.102 ! to soar with Eagles ! ...!unido!altger!mike          !
! D-8000 Munich 90   ! when you have to    ! SUB:                           !
! West Germany       ! work with Turkeys   ! ...!altger!chiuur!krondor!mike !

richard@gryphon.COM (Richard Sexton) (02/02/90)

In article <2267@altger.UUCP> mike@altger.UUCP (Mike Hoffmann) writes:
>I would second sci.bio.marine!
>I'm very interested in MArine Biology, but often skip reading sci.bio,
>because of the mass of other biological topics spoken about, in there.

Are you sure you want sci.bio.marine, and not the more general
sci.bio.aquatic ? I was thinking of other freshwater bodies
of water which contain equally interesting life forms.

>How about an official CALL FOR DISCUSSION?

It's probably appriate to discuss it in these three groups, reach
a consensus, then post a call for discussion in news.groups.

bbc@nysa.rice.edu (Benjamin Chase) (02/05/90)

richard@gryphon.COM (The Man with the Four Way Post) writes:
>In article <2267@altger.UUCP> mike@altger.UUCP (Mike Hoffmann) writes:
>>I would second sci.bio.marine!
>>I'm very interested in MArine Biology, but often skip reading sci.bio,
>>because of the mass of other biological topics spoken about, in there.

>Are you sure you want sci.bio.marine, and not the more general
>sci.bio.aquatic ? I was thinking of other freshwater bodies
>of water which contain equally interesting life forms.

Well, Richard, you should read Mike's posting before replying to it,
and then you might have the answer.  He says "I'm very interested in
MArine Biology".  And he goes on to say that he doesn't read sci.bio
because there's too much other stuff there...  If we create another
group that seems at all appropriate for discussions of Crypts,
Killies, etc., you will be doing crossposts to four groups, rather
than three.  What's the point?

I third the call for sci.bio.marine

(I just enrolled in a course titled "Biological Oceanography".  Maybe
I'll even be a contributor on s.b.m?
	Ben Chase <bbc@rice.edu>, Rice University, Houston, Texas

faccipop@lafcol.UUCP (Facciponti Patricia A.) (02/06/90)

I am looking for some colleges and universities which offer an undergrad
degree in marine biology.  A young friend of mine is interested in pursuing
a degree in that area.  She is looking for a school in the northeast, if
possible.  Near the water would be fine, but will consider inland 
school which has access to marine science station.  She is a sharp, lively,
Christian young woman, 20, plays guitar, is six foot tall and plays
basketball.  She is the daughter of a single mother and will need aid.
But will be a definite asset to any school that gets her.  If anyone has
any suggestions, I'd be most appreciative.  Post if you like or memail to
me at :
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

Pat at Lafayette  (We don't offer marine science!  :-)(  )

DSH109@psuvm.psu.edu (dave) (02/07/90)

Hi all,
    I have never written anything on the net, but boy has this sparked my inter
est.  I am an ecology major at PSU, and I am minoring in marine biology and zoo
logy (which is where my concentration is).  I have posted requests for help on
getting info for papers before on the  net, but that is all.  I think this new
group would be great, and fourth the motion.  Although I do not know how one go
es about starting a group, I have wondered why this one hasn't been started ear
    Just wanted to add my two sense(sp?) (and other random babble)...

                                         A very enthusiastic Dave

haake@eagle.cvs.rochester.edu (Bill Haake) (02/07/90)

In article <1905@lafcol.UUCP> faccipop@lafcol.UUCP (Facciponti Patricia A.) writes:
>I am looking for some colleges and universities which offer an undergrad
>degree in marine biology.  A young friend of mine is interested in pursuing

I know its not in the Northeast but...

Check out the University of South Carolina. They have an excellent Marine
Science Program. The address is:

Marine Science Program
University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC 29208

Columbia is near the center of the state about 1.5 hours from the coast at its
nearest (that is Charleston). The University runs the Belle Baruch Institute
for Marine Science and Coastal Research (I think I got that right) which is
a research organization with a very impressive field station near Georgetown,

Bill Haake                      haake@cvs.rochester.edu    (
University of Rochester         (716) 275-8680

unhd (Roy M. Turner) (02/09/90)

Hear, hear!  I'm involved with ocean engineering (from the AI side of
underwater vehicles) and also very interested in marine biology.  I'd
vote for sci.bio.marine, or sci.oceanography.marine (yes, I think
sci.oceanography or sci.oceans would be nice, too!).