arf@lopez.UUCP (Jack Schmidling) (03/05/90)

 End of article 2053 (of 2071)--what next? [npq]
 Article 2054 (13 more) in sci.environment:
 From: gst@gnosys.svle.ma.us (Gary S. Trujillo)
 Subject: Re: Frogs and toads
 I used to participate in the Frog and Toad Survey conducted 
 each year by the Illinois Conservation Department but it was 
 so depressing, I quit doing it.
 Three time each year, during the breeding season, we would 
 make our milk run.  Each participant had ten stops, about a 
 mile apart, somewhere in the state.  We are provided with 
 tapes to identify them by their calls and asked to estimate 
 gross population size.
 By last year, only one of my sites still had frogs but it 
 was surrounded by development and a huge for sale sign went 
 up since the previous trip.
 It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out why we are 
 losing frogs and toads.
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