[sci.bio] Artificial Intelligence and Intelligence

peru@soleil.UUCP (Dave Peru) (01/07/89)

Please consider the following thoughts of three people concerning the physics
of the mind.  Notice the difference from the first person and the next two.


In the book "The Society of Mind" Marvin Minsky writes (p.50):

"When people have no answers to important questions, they often give some

      What controls the brain?  The Mind.
      What controls the mind?   The Self.
      What controls the Self?   Itself.

 To help us think about how our minds are connected to the outer world, our
 culture teaches schemes like this:

      (diagram ...)

 This diagram depicts our sensory machinery as sending information to the
 brain, wherein it is projected on some inner mental movie screen.  Then,
 inside that ghostly theater, a lurking Self observes the scene and then
 considers what to do.  Finally, that Self may act--somehow reversing all
 those steps--to influence the real world by sending various signals back
 through yet another family of remote-control accessories.

 This concept simply doesn't work.  It cannot help for you to think that
 inside yourself lies someone else who does your work.  This notion of
 "hommunculus"--a little person inside each self--leads only to a paradox
 since, then, that inner Self requires yet another movie screen inside itself,
 on which to project what *it* has seen!  And then, to watch that
 play-within-a-play, we'd need yet another Self-inside-a-Self--to do the
 thinking for the last.  And then this would all repeat again, as each new
 Self requires yet another one to do its job!

     The idea of a single, central Self doesn't explain anything.  This
     is because a thing with no parts provides nothing that we can use
     as pieces of explanation!

 Then why do we so often embrace the strange idea that what we do is done
 by Someone Else--that is, our Self?  Because so much of what our minds
 do is hidden from the parts of us that are involved with verbal


In the book "Bridges To Infinity" Michael Guillen (Ph.D in physics, mathema-
matics, and astronomy from Cornell University) writes (p.98):

"In his thirteen-page manuscript, "All Numbers, Great and Small," Conway
 begins as Frege began, with a few primitive ideas, including the null set
 and two rules.  The first rule, Conway's logical definition of a number,
 can be visualized in terms of encyclopedia volumes lined up in order in
 a library shelf.  According to the definition, a volume's place in the
 lineup, its number, can be inferred from the set of volumes on its left
 and the set of volumes on its right.  We could determine where volume nine
 belongs, for instance, simply by locating that place where volumes zero
 through eight are on the left and volumes ten through infinity are on the
 right.  Therefore, every volume, every number, has its own niche, determined
 uniquely by the left and right sets.  That's the thrust of Conway's first

 His second rule, again explained here in terms of a set of encyclopedias,
 decrees that one number, such as 5, is smaller than (or equal to) another
 number, such as 9, if two things are true simultaneously: (A) all the volumes
 to the left of the first number (5) are less than the second number (9),
 and (B) all the volumes to the right of the second number (9) are bigger
 than the first number (5).  This rule is necessary in order for Conway
 to impose an order on the numbers he creates, beginning with zero: Zero
 is less than 1, so it precedes 1; 1 is less than 2, so it precedes 2; and
 so forth.

 As he does not assume the existence of any numbers to begin with, Conway,
 like Frege, has only the null set with which to start creating the sequence
 of natural numbers.  Consequently, Conway first contemplates the number
 whos left and right sets are both null sets, written symbolically as {}:{},
 He names this *zero*.  That is, in Conway's theory, as in Frege's, nothingness
 is the most primitive realization of nothing.

 After creating the number zero, Conway has two sets with which to continue
 creating numbers: the null set, {}, and the set containing zero, {0}. 
 Conway identifies the number 1 as the number whose left set contains zero
 and whose right set is the null set.  Thus, at this point in Conway's genesis,
 the number 1 is flanked to the left by nothingness and to the right by
 nothing.  To the left is potential already realized (as zero), and to the
 right is potential not yet realized.

 At each point in his creation, Conway always selects the next number as
 the number as the number whose left set contains all the previously created
 numbers and whose right set is the null set.  It's as though he were being
 guided by an image of those encyclopedias.  At each point, the newly created
 volume is placed to the right of all those volumes already shelved and
 to the left of empty space, which in this analogy has the aspect of the
 physicist's vacuum in representing the potential of numbers not yet brought
 into being.  By proceeding in this fashion indefinitely, Conway creates
 the entire sequence of natural numbers.

 From there he goes on, however, to create an infinity of in-between numbers,
 such as the number whose left set contains zero, {0}, and whose right set
 contains one through infinity {1, 2, 3, ...}.  This defines a number somewhere
 between zero and one.  Thus the standard set of encyclopedias, the natural
 numbers, is embellished by an interminable number of in-between volumes.
 And it doesn't stop there.

 Pursuing the logic of his method, Conway is able to create between in-between
 numbers, then numbers between *these*, and so on, literally ad infinitum.
 The result is limitless hierarchies of in-between numbers, never before
 named in mathematics.

 Conway's theory has ineffable graphic implications as well.  Traditional
 mathematical wisdom has it that a ruler's edge, a number line, is a blur
 of points, each of which can be labeled with either a whole number, a
 fraction, or an irrational number such as .1345792 ..., where the string
 of digits goes on forever.  All these points (or their numerical labels)
 together are imagined to form a continuum, with no space between adjacent
 points.  Conway's theory, however, asks us to imagine numbers that fall
 somehow between unimaginable cracks in this blur of points, and between
 the cracks left behind by those numbers, and so on and so on.  With his
 theory, Conway has made credible what many persons before him had merely
 speculated about: there is conceptually no limit to how many times an object
 can be divided.

 Conway's "All Numbers, Great and Small" shows off the boundless potential
 of the null set, but also of the human mind.  Human creative energy, like
 nothing, isn't anything if it isn't potential.  It is also an indomitable
 part of being alive, as countless experiments have documented.  People
 who are deprived of their senses by being floated in silent, dark tanks
 of water warmed to body temperature will hallucinate.  It is as though
 the human mind will not be stilled of its propensity to make something
 of nothing even, or especially, when immersed in nothingness.

 Like a physicist's vacuum, the human mind can be induced to create thoughts
 that come seemingly out of nowhere.  Mathematicians over the years have
 documented this common phenomenon.  The German Carl Friedrich Gauss recalled
 that he had tried unsuccessfully for years to prove a particular theorem
 in arithmetic, and then, after days of not thinking about the problem,
 the solution came to him "like a sudden flash of lightning."  The French
 mathematician Henri Poincare, too, reported working futilely on a problem
 for months.  Then one day while conversing with a friend about a totally
 unrelated subject, Poincare recalled that "... the idea came to me without
 anything in my former thoughts seeming to have paved the way for it."

 In this sense, the human mind is the real null set in Frege's and Conway's
 number theories; the mathematical null set is but a subordinate entity
 created after the mind's self-image."


In the book "The Turning Point" Fritjof Capra (Ph.D in high-energy physics
from University of Vienna) writes (p.101):

"While the new physics was developing in the twentieth century, the
 mechanistic Cartesian world view and the principles of Newtonian physics
 maintained their strong influence on Western scientific thinking, and even
 today many scientists still hold to the mechanistic paradigm, although
 physicists themselves have gone beyond it.


 In biology the Cartesian view of living organisms as machines, constructed
 from separate parts, still provides the dominant conceptual framework.
 Although Descartes' simple mechanistic biology could not be carried very
 far and had to be modified considerably during the subsequent three hundred
 years, the belief that all aspects of living organisms can be understood
 by reducing them to their smallest constituents, and by studying the
 mechanisms through which these interact, lies at the very basis of most
 contemporary biological thinking.  This passage from a current textbook
 on modern biology is clear expression of the reductionist credo: 'One of
 the acid tests of understanding an object is the ability to put it together
 from its component parts.  Ultimately, molecular biologists will attempt
 to subject their understanding of cell structure and function to this sort
 of test by trying to synthesize a cell.'

 Although the reductionist approach has been extremely successful in biology,
 culminating in the understanding of the chemical nature of genes, the basic
 units of heredity, and in the unraveling of the genetic code, it nevertheless
 has its severe limitations.  As the eminent biologist Paul Weiss has

     We can assert definitely ... on the basis of strictly empirical investiga-
     tions, that the sheer reversal of our prior analytic dissection of the
     universe by putting the pieces together again, whether in reality of
     just in our minds, can yield no complete explanation of the behavior
     of even the most elementary living system.

 This is what most contemporary biologists find hard to admit.  Carried
 away by the success of the reductionist method, most notable recently in
 the field of genetic engineering, they tend to believe that it is the only
 valid approach, and they have organized biological research accordingly.
 Students are not encouraged to develop integrative concepts, and research
 institutions direct their funds almost exclusively to ward the solution
 of problems formulated within the Cartesian framework.  Biological phenomena
 that cannot be explained in reductionist terms are deemed unworthy of
 scientific investigation.  Consequently biologists have developed very
 curious ways of dealing with living organisms.  As the distinguished biologist
 and human ecologist Rene Dubos has pointed out, they usually feel most at
 ease when the thing they are studying is no longer living.


 An extreme case of integrative activity that has fascinated scientists
 throughout the ages but has, so far, eluded all explanation is the phenome-
 non of embryogenesis--the formation and development of the embryo--which
 involves an orderly series of processes through which cells specialize
 to form the different tissues and organs of the adult body.  The interaction
 of each cell with its environment is crucial to these processes, and the
 whole phenomenon is a result of the integral coordinating activity of the
 entire organism--a process far too complex to lend itself to reductionist
 analysis.  Thus embryogenesis is considered a highly interesting but quite
 unrewarding topic for biological research.


 Transcending the Cartesian model will amount to a major revolution in medical
 science, and since current medical research is closely linked to research
 in biology--both conceptually and in its organization--such a revolution
 is bound to have a strong impact on the further development of biology."


I think it is quite interesting that "The Turning Point" was published
before "The Society of Mind" in reference to Fritjof Capra's comment,
"and even today many scientists still hold to the mechanistic paradigm."

Paradoxically, these three people's thoughts may sound unrelated.  It is up
to you to decide, any comments?

lee@uhccux.uhcc.hawaii.edu (Greg Lee) (01/07/89)

From article <558@soleil.UUCP>, by peru@soleil.UUCP (Dave Peru):
" ...
" Paradoxically, these three people's thoughts may sound unrelated.  It is up
" to you to decide, any comments?

Yes.  Guillen (not Conway) doesn't make sense, and Minsky's and
Capra's views seem to be in contradiction -- Minsky urging analysis
into parts and Capra denigrating it.  In the quoted passage from
Capra, I believe one can detect some confusion among:

(1) analysis into component parts
(2) analysis into independently acting component parts (= Cartesianism?)
(3) analysis in terms of more fundamental entities (= reductionism)

It's hard for me to see that there can be any real objection to (1).

I have been interested in analogues to the assumption of orthogonal
axes, (2), for a long time, but have been unable to find any general
discussions of the matter.  Maybe someone can provide a reference?
Here's a little example of this sort of reasoning from my own field.  In
1783, in Elements of Phonetics, Geoffrey Holder pointed out that
(voiceless) p, t, k are similar (voiced) to b, d, g, except for the
action of the vocal cords, and that the latter are similar to (nasal)
m, n, ng, except for the passage of air through the nose.  He argued,
on this basis, that there must exist in some language voiceless
nasals -- this fills the gap in the paradigm.  (It's very much like
the prediction of new elements to fill holes in the periodic table.)

		Greg, lee@uhccux.uhcc.hawaii.edu

geb@cadre.dsl.PITTSBURGH.EDU (Gordon E. Banks) (01/08/89)

In article <558@soleil.UUCP> peru@soleil.UUCP (Dave Peru) writes:
> Conway's "All Numbers, Great and Small" shows off the boundless potential
> of the null set, but also of the human mind.  Human creative energy, like
> nothing, isn't anything if it isn't potential.  It is also an indomitable
> part of being alive, as countless experiments have documented.  People
> who are deprived of their senses by being floated in silent, dark tanks
> of water warmed to body temperature will hallucinate.  It is as though
> the human mind will not be stilled of its propensity to make something
> of nothing even, or especially, when immersed in nothingness.
This comment is quite naive, and I am surprise to find someone trained
in physics can make it.  Even though all sensory input is extinguished,
the neural circuitry which is tuned to evaluate such input is still quite
active.  In the absence of input, it is the nature of such circuits to
increase their sensitivity until artifactual output is obtained.  The
situation is somewhat analogous to amplifier circuits which go into
oscillation when the gain is increased beyond a certain point.  All neural
tissues, including muscles do this.  If you denervate a living muscle, it will,
after a period of a few days, begin to twitch spontaneously.  There is nothing
mystical or infinite about such behavior.  It can be explained on a purely
mechanistic basis, and all neurologists are familiar with such behavior.

>In the book "The Turning Point" Fritjof Capra (Ph.D in high-energy physics
>from University of Vienna) writes (p.101):
>     We can assert definitely ... on the basis of strictly empirical investiga-
>     tions, that the sheer reversal of our prior analytic dissection of the
>     universe by putting the pieces together again, whether in reality of
>     just in our minds, can yield no complete explanation of the behavior
>     of even the most elementary living system.

All this says is that such systems, even the most elementary are very 
complex.  As far as the nervous system is concerned, we are about at
the level of snails (see the work of Eric Kandel, for example) in coming
up with a more or less "complete" understanding of what is going on, at
least on a macro level.  

Capra is definitely on the lunatic fringe on this subject.  He embraces
"holistic" medicine, chiropractic, and other even more bizarre medical
quack systems which I suppose only enhance his popularity among his new
age followers.  He certainly isn't considered a touchstone among the
physicists I know.  I find little in his work to lead me to believe he
knows anything substantial about the brain or biology.

bwk@mbunix.mitre.org (Barry W. Kort) (01/08/89)

I continue to marvel at Dave Peru's fertile contributions to
our discussions in this newsgroup.  The Minksy/Conway/Capra
excerpts were most stimulating.

Reductionist (analytical) reasoning is easy to describe and
easy to teach.  But reductionism has a shortcoming.

If I give you a large, assembled jigsaw puzzle, and you examine
it piece by piece, you will end up with a pile of carefully
examined pieces.  But you will have missed seeing the big
picture hidden in the assembled puzzle.  This is called the
Forest and the Trees syndrome.  After examining every element,
you must painstakingly reassemble them to see the big picture.
When you do so, you experience a profound psychological
transformation, called Insight or Epiphany.  This rare and
treasured mental event is accompanied by a biochemical rush
of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, which yield a sense
of euphoria ("Eureka!  I have found it!")

Another place reductionism fails is in the understanding of
emergent properties of circular systems.  The simplest of
circular systems is the Furnace-and-Thermostat system.
When the furnace and thermostat are connected in a feedback
loop, the system exhibits the emergent property of maintaining
a stable room temperature in the face of unpredictable changes
in the outside weather.  Feedback control theorists and
cyberneticians appreciate the emergent properties of circular
systems, but their appreciation is akin to seeing the big
picture in the pile of jigsaw puzzle pieces.

Minsky and Conway, and Gauss and Poincare engage in 
synthetic reasoning (the complement of analytic reasoning).
Instead of understanding something by taking it apart,
they understand something by putting it together.  It is
harder to teach synthetic reasoning.  Artists and sculptors,
playwrights and poets, theoreticians and children -- these
are the synthetic thinkers, the practitioners of creative

The feedback loops of these discussion groups give rise to
an emergent property:  the synthesis of ideas from diverse
quarters.  The melting pot of ideas and the melding of minds
is the synthetic product of circular information channels.

--Barry Kort

hes@ecsvax.uncecs.edu (Henry Schaffer) (01/09/89)

In article <558@soleil.UUCP>, peru@soleil.UUCP (Dave Peru) writes:
> In the book "Bridges To Infinity" Michael Guillen (Ph.D in physics, mathema-
> matics, and astronomy from Cornell University) writes (p.98): ...
>  Pursuing the logic of his method, Conway is able to create between in-between
>  numbers, then numbers between *these*, and so on, literally ad infinitum.
>  The result is limitless hierarchies of in-between numbers, never before
>  named in mathematics.
  Hmm, (even this has nothing to do with reductionism) how is this different
that what is done in traditional mathematics?

> ... 
> In the book "The Turning Point" Fritjof Capra [writes] ...
>  Although the reductionist approach has been extremely successful in biology,
> ...
>    As the eminent biologist Paul Weiss has observed:
>    We can assert definitely ... on the basis of strictly empirical investiga-
>    tions, that the sheer reversal of our prior analytic dissection of the
>    universe by putting the pieces together again, whether in reality of 
>    just in our minds, can yield no complete explanation of the behavior
>    of even the most elementary living system.
  This seems to be an example of "proof by assertion".  

>  An extreme case of integrative activity that has fascinated scientists
                                                    ^^^^^^^^^^ - yes
>  throughout the ages but has, so far, eluded all explanation is the phenome-
                                               ^^^ - the large
       community of embryologists and developmental biologists
       would probably feel that they've explained *something*
>  non of embryogenesis-- ...
>  --a process far too complex to lend itself to reductionist analysis.  ...

Another proof by assertion -

  This whole controversy makes me think again about a question which
has bothered me before.  If reductionism is not sufficient - how can
one show/prove that it is not sufficient.  Clearly if a process is
very complex, then much work must be done do reduce it sufficiently
far to explain everything via a reductionist scenario.  

  I doubt that any reductionist is willing to believe that embryogenesis
is beyond reductionist analysis.  We haven't even finished cataloging
all the enzymes and enzymatic pathways in a single cell, there is still
lots of (reductionist) work left to be done and which clearly can be
done (I haven't heard anyone say that sequenceing the genome of a
higher organism can't be done - just that it is a lot of work) and so
clearly one can't give up on reductionism just yet.

  Is that the answer?  One can't disprove reductionism as long as there
is more work left to be done?  That would mean essentially never.

--henry schaffer  n c state univ

EGNILGES@pucc.Princeton.EDU (Ed Nilges) (01/10/89)

In article <558@soleil.UUCP>, peru@soleil.UUCP (Dave Peru) writes:

> Then why do we so often embrace the strange idea that what we do is done
> by Someone Else--that is, our Self?  Because so much of what our minds
> do is hidden from the parts of us that are involved with verbal
> consciousness."

     Interesting.  Have you read Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature,
     by Richard Rorty, which deconstructs the notion of the self as
     the lonely spectator in an otherwise deserted movie theater
     (damned sad picture, not so?).  According to Rorty, this notion
     got its start in the seventeenth century, and it is unnecessary.

Edward Nilges

"Where is the wisdom we lost in knowledge?  Where is the knowledge we
 lost in information?" - T. S. Eliot

meadors@cogsci.ucsd.EDU (Tony Meadors) (01/10/89)

In article <558@soleil.UUCP> peru@soleil.UUCP (Dave Peru) writes:
>Please consider the following thoughts of three people concerning the physics
>of the mind.  
>In the book "The Society of Mind" Marvin Minsky writes (p.50):
>"When people have no answers to important questions, they often give some
> anyway.
>      What controls the brain?  The Mind.
>      What controls the mind?   The Self.
>      What controls the Self?   Itself.
>   ....
> It cannot help for you to think that
> inside yourself lies someone else who does your work.  This notion of
> "hommunculus"--a little person inside each self--leads only to a paradox

An infinite regress.
One of the challenges of psychological explanation is 
to explain our overall intelligent behavior and cognitive
abilities with a model whose parts are not themselves possessors of 
those abilities...this is how homunculi can creep into real world models.
   What Minsky is doing in the quoted passages is simply noting how
commonsense notions such as self and mind entail the idea of a "detatched
controller" and this quickly leads down the homunculi trail.
>In the book "Bridges To Infinity" Michael Guillen (Ph.D in physics, mathema-
>matics, and astronomy from Cornell University) writes (p.98):
> ........
> From there he goes on, however, to create an infinity of in-between numbers,
> such as the number whose left set contains zero, {0}, and whose right set
> contains one through infinity {1, 2, 3, ...}.  
> This defines a number somewhere
> numbers, is embellished by an interminable number of in-between volumes.
> And it doesn't stop there.
> Pursuing the logic of his method, Conway is able to create between in-between
> numbers, then numbers between *these*, and so on, literally ad infinitum.
> The result is limitless hierarchies of in-between numbers, never before
> named in mathematics.

I'm no mathematician, but if I take 
the numbers 2 & 3 and stick a bunch of
new items between them (no matter how cleverly)
I certainly won't have created "numbers never
before named in mathematics." Numbers seem rather fixed to me, those that
might be found on a simple numberline; the labels I attach to various
points shouldn't make any difference...Unless these new numbers are not
expressable in decimal form at all. If this is the case I missed the
point but my point is below anyway...

> points.  Conway's theory, however, asks us to imagine numbers that fall
> somehow between unimaginable cracks in this blur of points, and between
> the cracks left behind by those numbers, and so on and so on.  With his
> theory, Conway has made credible what many persons before him had merely
> speculated about: there is conceptually no limit to how many times an object
> can be divided.

Cosmic cracks eh.
Again, Im not a numbers man, but was there ever any doubt that a given two
points on a line one may always be found which lies between them?

> Conway's "All Numbers, Great and Small" shows off the boundless potential
> of the null set, but also of the human mind.  Human creative energy, like
> nothing, isn't anything if it isn't potential.  It is also an indomitable
> part of being alive, as countless experiments have documented.  People
> who are deprived of their senses by being floated in silent, dark tanks
> of water warmed to body temperature will hallucinate.  It is as though
> the human mind will not be stilled of its propensity to make something
> of nothing even, or especially, when immersed in nothingness.
> Like a physicist's vacuum, the human mind can be induced to create thoughts
> that come seemingly out of nowhere.  Mathematicians over the years have
> documented this common phenomenon.  The German Carl Friedrich Gauss recalled
> that he had tried unsuccessfully for years to prove a particular theorem
> in arithmetic, and then, after days of not thinking about the problem,
> the solution came to him "like a sudden flash of lightning."  The French
> mathematician Henri Poincare, too, reported working futilely on a problem
> for months.  Then one day while conversing with a friend about a totally
> unrelated subject, Poincare recalled that "... the idea came to me without
> anything in my former thoughts seeming to have paved the way for it."
> In this sense, the human mind is the real null set in Frege's and Conway's
> number theories; the mathematical null set is but a subordinate entity
> created after the mind's self-image."

I must say it's really getting deep at this point. 
I realize that the "wondrous parallels between profound mathematical
principles with the human mind" is the idea here. But I see no more that a
paper thin relatedness between the specifics under discussion.
This reminds me of other cases where "deep fundamental"
mathematic principles are put forward as "the essence" of thinking
or mind (recursion a common one).
  Let's go over this again:
> Conway's "All Numbers, Great and Small" shows off the boundless potential
> of the null set, but also of the human mind.  Human creative energy, like
> nothing, isn't anything if it isn't potential.  

  So roughly the claim is "the mind is like, the null set." (a california 
  surfer dude accent would go nicely here).
  I find this a very strange claim but let's consider the two examples...
> People
> who are deprived of their senses by being floated in silent, dark tanks
> of water warmed to body temperature will hallucinate.  It is as though
> the human mind will not be stilled of its propensity to make something
> of nothing even, or especially, when immersed in nothingness.

Yes people do eventually have all sorts of wild experiences. How does this
relate to the mind being like a null set or the mathematical discussion at
all? Does the null set notion PREDICT that those in such cahmbers will
THE NULL SET AND SENSORY DEPRIVATION. "Oh, like both have to do with 
complete nothingness man..."
> Like a physicist's vacuum, the human mind can be induced to create thoughts
> that come seemingly out of nowhere.  Mathematicians over the years have
> documented this common phenomenon.  The German Carl Friedrich Gauss recalled
Yes, yes, such cases are well known. But now the relationship between the
null set and the "example" is almost hard to find at all. First, there is
no reason to suppose any sort of emptiness involved. Research on this
"incubation" period of problem solving indicates that active
though unconscious processing is involved in producting "the answer."
And the individual, through his long and arduous pursuit of a solution
to fulfill some set of constraints, has set up a situation where
when the "answer" is unconsciously conceived of, it is "recognized" and
brought to consciousness. Anyway THERE IS NOTHING MORE THAN A CRUDE

> In this sense, the human mind is the real null set in Frege's and Conway's
> number theories; the mathematical null set is but a subordinate entity
> created after the mind's self-image."

2 The notion that the null set arose as a mathematical concept due to
  man's perception of some nothingness within his psyche is absurd.
>In the book "The Turning Point" Fritjof Capra (Ph.D in high-energy physics
>from University of Vienna) writes (p.101):
>"While the new physics was developing in the twentieth century, the
> mechanistic Cartesian world view and the principles of Newtonian physics
> maintained their strong influence on Western scientific thinking, and even
> today many scientists still hold to the mechanistic paradigm, although
> physicists themselves have gone beyond it.
> ...
> In biology the Cartesian view of living organisms as machines, constructed
> from separate parts, still provides the dominant conceptual framework.
> Although Descartes' simple mechanistic biology could not be carried very
> far and had to be modified considerably during the subsequent three hundred
> years, the belief that all aspects of living organisms can be understood
> by reducing them to their smallest constituents, and by studying the
> mechanisms through which these interact, lies at the very basis of most
> contemporary biological thinking.  
  So is this a tirade against a mechanistic approach, or the reductionist
  enterprise? They are not the same of course. 
> Transcending the Cartesian model will amount to a major revolution in medical
> science, and since current medical research is closely linked to research
> in biology--both conceptually and in its organization--such a revolution
> is bound to have a strong impact on the further development of biology."

Yeah this sounds like Capra. I don't know what it would mean to "transcend
the cartesian model", and no explanation of what that would be like is
offered in this passage. If what is meant is to "look for causes and
processes outside the normal realm of measurable cause and effect 
then I would say that its hogwash. If its just a childlike hope that
taking new perspectives, sometimes a "systems" or "cybernetic" 
perspective may yield new insight into complex systems, then 
point taken.

>Paradoxically, these three people's thoughts may sound unrelated.  It is up
>to you to decide, any comments?

  Yes, not only unrelated, they are unremarkable. Dave, your postings remain
  without peer in being provocative and interesting. But trust me, the
  "deep stuff" concerning minds and brains, the meta-psychology,
  is largely fluff. Move up the scientific foodchain a bit. You know
  the old saying, fact is stranger than fiction. Its never been more true 
  than in psychology. Get down to real data and yet 
  keep these larger questions in mind. Read about the bizzare
  dissociations brain damaged patients exhibit, study up on perceptual
  illusions, investigate the cases of extraordinary memories (people can 
  literally tell you what shirt they wore or the change they made on
  a given day in 1966, and its not a trick or learned ability). Well,
  you get the picture...these sorts of phenomenon baffle
  and challenge, and if there are secrets to be found and profound changes
  to take place in how we understand the mind it will likely be fueled
  by these inexplicable sorts of data. 


markh@csd4.milw.wisc.edu (Mark William Hopkins) (01/11/89)

In article <43472@linus.UUCP> bwk@mbunix (Barry Kort) writes:
>Reductionist (analytical) reasoning is easy to describe and
>easy to teach.  But reductionism has a shortcoming.
>If I give you a large, assembled jigsaw puzzle, and you examine
>it piece by piece, you will end up with a pile of carefully
>examined pieces.

I don't know about that.  I solve most of my puzzles by classifying pieces
on the basis of their shape and printed color, with little or no regard
for the place where they fit in the "big" picture.

Yet, I also claim that I'm solving the puzzle holistically in the process.
The "big" picture always emerges out of the jumble of pieces near the end.

bwk@mbunix.mitre.org (Barry W. Kort) (01/11/89)

In article <6177@ecsvax.uncecs.edu> hes@ecsvax.uncecs.edu
(Henry Schaffer) worries about the overthrow of reductionism:

>  This whole controversy makes me think again about a question which
>has bothered me before.  If reductionism is not sufficient - how can
>one show/prove that it is not sufficient.  Clearly if a process is
>very complex, then much work must be done do reduce it sufficiently
>far to explain everything via a reductionist scenario.  
>... Clearly one can't give up on reductionism just yet.
>  Is that the answer?  One can't disprove reductionism as long as there
>is more work left to be done?  That would mean essentially never.

I don't think anyone is suggesting that reductionism (or analysis
of a complex system into its constituent elements) is a doomed
activity.  I think the argument is that additional insight is
gained through synthetic reasoning (constructing novel systems
from known pieceparts).  Nature does this all the time.  The
cerebral cortex of the species Homo sapiens sapiens is believed
to be one of the most complex systems found in nature.  We learn
by taking apart, and we learn by putting together.  There is room
(and need) for both activities.

Personally, I find that, as a species, we devote more time to
disassembly than to assembly, and I would like us to spend
more time developing our creative intelligence.  But I wouldn't
want a world in which we have to choose between holism and
reductionism.  Both are essential ingredients in cognitive growth.

Now and then, I even like to rest and simply enjoy what is.

--Barry Kort

peru@soleil.UUCP (Dave Peru) (01/11/89)

>>In the book "The Society of Mind" Marvin Minsky writes (p.50):
>>"When people have no answers to important questions, they often give some
>> anyway.
>>      What controls the brain?  The Mind.
>>      What controls the mind?   The Self.
>>      What controls the Self?   Itself.
>>   ....
>> It cannot help for you to think that
>> inside yourself lies someone else who does your work.  This notion of
>> "hommunculus"--a little person inside each self--leads only to a paradox

In article <686@cogsci.ucsd.EDU> (Tony Meadors) writes:

>An infinite regress.
>One of the challenges of psychological explanation is 
>to explain our overall intelligent behavior and cognitive
>abilities with a model whose parts are not themselves possessors of 
>those abilities...this is how homunculi can creep into real world models.
>   What Minsky is doing in the quoted passages is simply noting how
>commonsense notions such as self and mind entail the idea of a "detatched
>controller" and this quickly leads down the homunculi trail.

I would like to humbly express my opinion about the way Marvin Minsky
describes "hommunculus" as "leads only to paradox".   Using the word
"only" is misleading, like there's something wrong with hommunculus
or even having a paradox.  Or as you have stated, "simply noting how".
Personally, these kind of statements in any explanation are not very
satisfying, in fact, I start to get uncomfortable.  All I'm saying,
considering the subject matter, is simply that things never to turn
out so simple.  Or at least, seem so simple to me.

    "The idea of a single, central Self doesn't explain anything.  This
     is because a thing with no parts provides nothing that we can use
     as pieces of explanation!" MM.

If to explain something, you must have parts, then at some point you got to
reduce down to physics.  I think our knowledge in physics is great, but
limited.  Physicists might have egos as big as atomic blasts, but unfortunately
God is still alive.  This bothers me and is why I have problems with
reductionist thinking.  Einstein said God does not play dice, or was it God 
that said Einstein does not play dice.  Anyway, as far as I know, according to
our current knowledge of physics, God does play dice and is probably living in
Atlantic City.  Who knows, maybe Donald Trump is the second coming of
Christ.  :-)

Seriously, is there anyone out there who really thinks reductionism can explain
everything there is to be explain?

>>In the book "Bridges To Infinity" Michael Guillen (Ph.D in physics, mathema-
>>matics, and astronomy from Cornell University) writes (p.98):
>> ........
>> From there he goes on, however, to create an infinity of in-between numbers,
>> such as the number whose left set contains zero, {0}, and whose right set
>> contains one through infinity {1, 2, 3, ...}.  
>> This defines a number somewhere
>> numbers, is embellished by an interminable number of in-between volumes.
>> And it doesn't stop there.
>> Pursuing the logic of his method, Conway is able to create between in-between
>> numbers, then numbers between *these*, and so on, literally ad infinitum.
>> The result is limitless hierarchies of in-between numbers, never before
>> named in mathematics.

>I'm no mathematician, but if I take 
>the numbers 2 & 3 and stick a bunch of
>new items between them (no matter how cleverly)
>I certainly won't have created "numbers never
>before named in mathematics." Numbers seem rather fixed to me, those that
>might be found on a simple numberline; the labels I attach to various
>points shouldn't make any difference...Unless these new numbers are not
>expressable in decimal form at all. If this is the case I missed the
>point but my point is below anyway...

Don't waive this off, spend some time with this.  What Conway does is really
awesome.  If fact, it defines the word awesome.   The idea of "nothingness"
as opposed to "nothing as something", i.e. the set {0}, is really neat!  And
then boom, all the rational and irrational numbers spring to life.  To say
"Numbers seem rather fixed to me" seems fixed or closed minded to me.

>> points.  Conway's theory, however, asks us to imagine numbers that fall
>> somehow between unimaginable cracks in this blur of points, and between
>> the cracks left behind by those numbers, and so on and so on.  With his
>> theory, Conway has made credible what many persons before him had merely
>> speculated about: there is conceptually no limit to how many times an object
>> can be divided.
>Cosmic cracks eh.
>Again, Im not a numbers man, but was there ever any doubt that a given two
>points on a line one may always be found which lies between them?

"Cosmic", interesting word choice.

When you were younger, did you ever get the feeling while you were half asleep
that you were falling off your bed?  You suddenly wake up as you slam your
hand down on the mattress.   I have this feeling all the time, but nothing
to slam against.  :-)  And mathematically speaking, the way Conway generates
numbers is the closest thing I've seen to expressing this feeling.

>> People
>> who are deprived of their senses by being floated in silent, dark tanks
>> of water warmed to body temperature will hallucinate.  It is as though
>> the human mind will not be stilled of its propensity to make something
>> of nothing even, or especially, when immersed in nothingness.
>Yes people do eventually have all sorts of wild experiences. How does this
>relate to the mind being like a null set or the mathematical discussion at

I knew I should have left the float-tank part out.  People have all kinds
of prejudices.  Tony, have you ever floated?  I haven't, but maybe Guillen
has. Apparently, Guillen thought the experience related to the discussion
to use the analogy.  You think the analogy doesn't apply, okay.  I still
think it's a neat idea and I'll reserve judgement until after I've floated.

> Does the null set notion PREDICT that those in such cahmbers will
>THE NULL SET AND SENSORY DEPRIVATION. "Oh, like both have to do with 
>complete nothingness man..."

This California surfer stuff is indicative of your close mindedness and
adds nothing to the conversation.  Which is appropriate considering the
subject matter.  

When you say "there is only a very crude semantic relationship between
the null set and sensory deprivation" are you speaking from experience?

>> In this sense, the human mind is the real null set in Frege's and Conway's
>> number theories; the mathematical null set is but a subordinate entity
>> created after the mind's self-image."
>2 The notion that the null set arose as a mathematical concept due to
>  man's perception of some nothingness within his psyche is absurd.

Considering the quality of your comments, your mind is a perfect example
of the null set.  All you've really said is this is bullshit with bullshit
reasons.  Maybe this is all we can ever say about this subject.

If you see something that is blatently wrong then say so and state why.
However, if these interpretations are simply contrary to your own
interpretations or intuition, then don't come off so condescending with
words like "absurd".  Like you know better, maybe you do.

Personally, my belief system is evolving.  I remain open to new ideas.

>> Transcending the Cartesian model will amount to a major revolution in medical
>> science, and since current medical research is closely linked to research
>> in biology--both conceptually and in its organization--such a revolution
>> is bound to have a strong impact on the further development of biology."
>Yeah this sounds like Capra. I don't know what it would mean to "transcend
>the cartesian model", and no explanation of what that would be like is
>offered in this passage. If what is meant is to "look for causes and
>processes outside the normal realm of measurable cause and effect 
>then I would say that its hogwash.

I think what Capra means by "transcend the cartesian model" is that a human
being as an organism is affected by the environment in such a way that
some processes will not be explanable out of that context.  Things may
be so interconnected that reductionism may be inadequate.  I think this
is interesting when you consider the relationship of the mind in respect to
understanding the physics of the environment or the physics of the mind.

> If its just a childlike hope that
>taking new perspectives, sometimes a "systems" or "cybernetic" 
>perspective may yield new insight into complex systems, then 
>point taken.

Childlike?  I don't understand.

What distinguishes childlike from adultlike?

>>Paradoxically, these three people's thoughts may sound unrelated.  It is up
>>to you to decide, any comments?
>  Yes, not only unrelated, they are unremarkable.

Then why did you make a remark.  I was trying to show some ideas about and of
the mind in respect to the reductionist approach.  Some people liked it.

>  Dave, your postings remain without peer in being provocative and
>  interesting.  But trust me, the
>  "deep stuff" concerning minds and brains, the meta-psychology,
>  is largely fluff.

Trust you?  Is it safe?  :-)

Some fluff hardens.

I think alot of people have been a little hard on Guillen.  This guy has
some really neat things to say.  Consider from his essay "Irrational Thinking"
from his book "Bridges to Infinity" (p.38-39):

"Despite this preeminence of rational numbers, science does need irrational
 numbers.  For well over a century, scientists have been taking note of a
 growing inventory of special quantities whose appearance in nearly every
 scientific theory signifies their import in the modern description of
 space-time.  These natural constants can be seen as nature's vital statistics,
 and right now it looks as though every one of them is an irrational number.
 For example, one of these constants, the speed of light, has been measured
 out to nine decimal places, and the digits have yet to show any pattern.
 (Expressed in millions of meters per second, our best measurement of the
 speed of light is the number .299792458.)  Another constant is one that is
 descriptive of dynamic behavior at the atomic level.  It is called the
 fine-structure constant, and there is no pattern to its digits even when
 measured out to ten decimal places.  (Our best measurement of the fine-
 structure constant, which is a dimensionless quantity, is .0072973502.) In
 physics alone there are more than a dozen of these constants, which have
 been measured out to anywhere from a few to eleven decimal places, and not
 one of them has a pattern to its digits."

When I read this I was astonished.  Of course, some of these constants may
not be irrational numbers.  But what would be really awesome is to come up
with some physics that would predict these irrational numbers.

Anyway, some more fluff for the pile.

>  Move up the scientific foodchain a bit. You know
>  the old saying, fact is stranger than fiction. Its never been more true 
>  than in psychology. Get down to real data and yet 
>  keep these larger questions in mind. Read about the bizzare
>  dissociations brain damaged patients exhibit, study up on perceptual
>  illusions, investigate the cases of extraordinary memories (people can 
>  literally tell you what shirt they wore or the change they made on
>  a given day in 1966, and its not a trick or learned ability). Well,
>  you get the picture...these sorts of phenomenon baffle
>  and challenge, and if there are secrets to be found and profound changes
>  to take place in how we understand the mind it will likely be fueled
>  by these inexplicable sorts of data. 

I try to get down to real data as much as I can.  That's why I like USENET,
after I read all the fluff, I can see what real people think.

In reference to "move up the scientific foodchain", I'm currently reading
Paul Kennedy's "Rise and Fall of Great Powers".  I want to find out why it
is so hard nowadays for a person my age to buy a house.

dmocsny@uceng.UC.EDU (daniel mocsny) (01/11/89)

In article <331@csd4.milw.wisc.edu>, markh@csd4.milw.wisc.edu (Mark William Hopkins) writes:
> In article <43472@linus.UUCP> bwk@mbunix (Barry Kort) writes:
> >If I give you a large, assembled jigsaw puzzle, and you examine
> >it piece by piece, you will end up with a pile of carefully
> >examined pieces.
> I don't know about that.  I solve most of my puzzles by classifying pieces
> on the basis of their shape and printed color, with little or no regard
> for the place where they fit in the "big" picture.
> Yet, I also claim that I'm solving the puzzle holistically in the process.
> The "big" picture always emerges out of the jumble of pieces near the end.

How about those irritating puzzles with large washes of featureless
background (sky, ocean, forest). Even with our terrific holistic
pattern-matching power, the best we can often do is try every
combination of pieces to see which ones fit together (the problem gets
worse when a malicious jigsaw operator makes similar cuts that permit
close but erroneous fits). Assembling a solid-color puzzle reduces us
to the level of a slow, awkward serial computer, with perhaps some
advantage in avoiding certain obvious misfits. Is the solid-color
puzzle problem NP-complete?

Then again, I don't know anyone who has spent enough time assembling
solid-color puzzles to perform at an expert level. Perhaps subtle
cues exist that would allow our holistic power to get its foot in
the door and fetch the complexity monster a swift kick.

A portion of the puzzle with more information content provides
suitable grist for our holistic mill. Fixing the position of a piece
is "only" a matter of spotting when the pattern on it corresponds
uniquely to a detail on the puzzle box (if the puzzle came in a plain
box, toss it in the incinerator), or to a partially-assembled
structure. The holistic pattern-matcher must work in the face of
rotations, and know when to ignore or exploit the shape of a
particular puzzle piece.

But I think I am subverting Barry's original comment. He seemed to
be saying that the way the puzzle happens to divide into pieces
has _nothing_at_all_to_do_ with the picture that appears on the
puzzle. The "obvious" reductionist approach to "understanding" or
"explaining" the picture on the puzzle is doomed from the start.

However, I think the futility of the reductionist approach here
follows from the nature of the puzzle. I.e., the puzzle is an
artifact, and as such its decomposition is arbitrary. Do we in fact
see such "arbitrary" or misleading decomposition in nature, or do we
explain our failure to explain as due to nothing more than our limited
knowledge and bookkeeping ability?


Dan Mocsny

"God is subtle, but He is not malicious." -- A. Einstein
"Stop telling God what to do." -- P.A.M. Dirac (?) (Sorry, science historians,
if I botched this one)

geb@cadre.dsl.PITTSBURGH.EDU (Gordon E. Banks) (01/11/89)

In article <564@soleil.UUCP> peru@soleil.UUCP (Dave Peru) writes:
>God is still alive.  This bothers me and is why I have problems with
>reductionist thinking.  Einstein said God does not play dice, or was it God 
>that said Einstein does not play dice. 

Einstein did say "God does not play dice with the universe", and one of
his friends (I think it was Pauli) finally retorted: "When are you
going to quit telling God what to do?"
>Seriously, is there anyone out there who really thinks reductionism can explain
>everything there is to be explain?
I doubt if the human race will survive long enough to explain everything
there is to explain whatever method is used.  That isn't the point.
The point is, when dealing with complex systems, reductionism is a
necessary step if we are to understand them.  Only a first step, since
then we have to learn how to assemble the reduced parts back into a whole
again.  But it has worked splendidly in the past and there is no sign at all
that it is exhausted as a method, despite the ravings of Capra and others.
This all has nothing whatever to do with God.  If reductionism allows us
to make progress in understanding all parts of the universe we have 
heretofore investigated, why should the same method not work in the
case of the human mind?

bwk@mbunix.mitre.org (Barry W. Kort) (01/13/89)

In article <331@csd4.milw.wisc.edu> markh@csd4.milw.wisc.edu
(Mark William Hopkins) takes me up on my jigsaw puzzle metaphor:

>In article <43472@linus.UUCP> bwk@mbunix (Barry Kort) writes:
>>If I give you a large, assembled jigsaw puzzle, and you examine
>>it piece by piece, you will end up with a pile of carefully
>>examined pieces.
>I don't know about that.  I solve most of my puzzles by classifying pieces
>on the basis of their shape and printed color, with little or no regard
>for the place where they fit in the "big" picture.
>Yet, I also claim that I'm solving the puzzle holistically in the process.
>The "big" picture always emerges out of the jumble of pieces near the end.

I grant that you are solving the puzzle holistically.  After all, the
big picture does in fact emerge at the end.  But the *process* of
solution seems to be occuring outside the focus of concious attention.
We can teach people how to examine the jigsaw pieces, and classify them
by color, shape, and texture.  But the method of assembly which yields
the "Aha! Insight" seems to a fuzzier, less algorithmic activity.

Perhaps it is occuring largely in the right hemisphere, using parallel
processing and combinatorial logic.  Why is it that holistic thinking
and insight seems to come during periods of sleep or during periods
when our attention is diverted away from the problem at hand?  Why
is it that the solution "shows up" without warning?

--Barry Kort

bwk@mbunix.mitre.org (Barry W. Kort) (01/13/89)

In article <564@soleil.UUCP> peru@soleil.UUCP (Dave Peru) opines:

 > To say "Numbers seem rather fixed to me"
 > seems fixed or closed minded to me.

In Howard Rheingold's book, _Tools of Thought_, there is a sketch
of the neurophysiologist and pioneering cyberneticist, Warren McCulloch.
As Rheingold repeats the story, McCulloch was an abnormally gifted and
colorful person who had a firm background in mathematics.  A teacher
asked McCulloch what he wanted to do with his obviously brilliant
future.  "Warren," said he, "what is thee going to be?"  And I said,
"I don't know,"  "And what is thee going to do?"  And again I said,
"I have no idea, but there is one question I would like to answer:
What is a number, that man may know it, and a man that he may know
a number?"  He smiled and said, "Friend, thee will be busy as long
as thee lives."

 > What distinguishes childlike from adultlike?

On weekends I work as a volunteer in the Children's Discovery Room
at the Boston Museum of Science.  Occasionally I ask a parent,
"What is the difference between a child and a scientist?"  Most
of them quickly respond, "No difference?"

I often feel sorry for adults who have lost their childlike curiousity
somewhere along the way.  Fortunately a few children grow up to be
scientists.  It is a shame that so many people become adulturated
enroute to maturity.

--Barry Kort

Today's Quote:	"Nothing is as simple as it seems at first,
		 or as hopeless as it seems in the middle,
		 or as finished as it seems in the end."

bwk@mbunix.mitre.org (Barry W. Kort) (01/13/89)

In article <568@uceng.UC.EDU> dmocsny@uceng.UC.EDU (Daniel Mocsny) writes:

 > Is the solid-color puzzle problem NP-complete?

There are two kinds of extra-hard jigsaw puzzles:  the solid-color
puzzles (Little Red Riding Hood's Hood) and the puzzle in which
all the pieces are the same shape (Schmuzzles).

But curiously enough, the solid-color Schmuzzle puzzle isn't even
NP-hard.  It's NP-ridiculous.  :-)

On a more sublime note, Dan returns to the original point of discussion:

 > But I think I am subverting Barry's original comment. He seemed to
 > be saying that the way the puzzle happens to divide into pieces
 > has _nothing_at_all_to_do_ with the picture that appears on the
 > puzzle.  The "obvious" reductionist approach to "understanding" or
 > "explaining" the picture on the puzzle is doomed from the start.

I suppose Mother Nature is not so devilish as the jigsaw puzzle
maker.  But our own category boundaries are still somewhat arbitrary.
And, by studying the "elements" we don't automatically understand how
they assemble themselves into "molecules".

What I am saying is that anaylysis and differentiation are valuable
tools, but creative intelligence also requires synthesis and

--Barry Kort

mark@verdix.com (Mark Lundquist) (01/14/89)

In article <686@cogsci.ucsd.EDU> meadors@cogsci.UUCP (Tony Meadors) writes:
>  "deep stuff" concerning minds and brains, the meta-psychology,
>  is largely fluff. Move up the scientific foodchain a bit. You know
>  the old saying, fact is stranger than fiction. Its never been more true 
>  than in psychology. Get down to real data and yet 
>  keep these larger questions in mind. Read about the bizzare
>  dissociations brain damaged patients exhibit, study up on perceptual
>  illusions, investigate the cases of extraordinary memories (people can 
>  literally tell you what shirt they wore or the change they made on
>  a given day in 1966, and its not a trick or learned ability). Well,
>  you get the picture...these sorts of phenomenon baffle
>  and challenge, and if there are secrets to be found and profound changes
>  to take place in how we understand the mind it will likely be fueled
>  by these inexplicable sorts of data. 

Try any of the books written by Oliver Sacks ("A Leg To Stand On",
"The Man Who Mistook His Wife For A Hat", etc).  These books are accounts
of some really strange disorders experienced by patients who had had trauma
to the right hemisphere of the brain.  These disorders profoundly change
the patients' whole experience of being a human being.  Their symptoms
are not easily measured or quantified, and the disorders (according to Sacks)
do not lend themselves well traditional case studies.  Sacks decided that the
appropriate form of 'case study' for these disorders is the story.  He tells
these stories with acumen, compassion, insight, and humor.
	He's also got another book (I can't remember the title) in which he
discusses the relationships between Parkinson's and Tourette's syndromes.

lee@uhccux.uhcc.hawaii.edu (Greg Lee) (01/15/89)

From article <43582@linus.UUCP>, by bwk@mbunix.mitre.org (Barry W. Kort):
" ...  But our own category boundaries are still somewhat arbitrary.
" And, by studying the "elements" we don't automatically understand how
" they assemble themselves into "molecules".

Of course not, but is this a fair analogy for reductionism?  I don't
think so.  Reductionist theories may occasionally arise by identifying
elements apart from the patterns they assemble into (perhaps molecular
biology would be a case?), but more typically the pattern is observed
first.  Later, a reduction into elements which assemble according to
certain rules is proposed to explain the patterns.  There is no step of
analysis apart from synthesis -- the rules of assembly are intrinsically
a part of the theory.

Instances are the analysis of atoms to explain the pattern of the
periodic table and the analysis of particles to explain the 8-fold way,
probably.  An instance I know more about may be drawn from Ventris'
decipherment of Linear B. The molecules were, let us say, the signs of
the writing system, and the atoms the vowels and consonants they stand
for.  A pattern in the data was that some signs appeared only at the
beginning of (what were inferentially) words.  One basis of the
decipherment was the identification of such signs as standing for single
vowels, the reasoning being that if the script was syllabic and if the
language being written did not permit vowels to occur next to one
another within a word (which is a common restriction), vowel-only
syllables and their signs could occur only word-initially.  This
would explain the pattern.  This, and other such inferences comprised
Ventris' theory.  (Other previous failed attempts to decipher
the script were, however, based on direct assignments of phonetic
values to signs.)

One cannot find here a step of synthesis that is chronologically
or logically "after" the analysis.

I suspect that the criticism proponents of holistic theories make
of reductionism is founded on a play on words -- an equivocation.
There is traditionally a use of the term 'analysis' which opposes
it to synthesis, but more commonly, 'analysis' does not refer merely
to a decomposition somehow apart from composition.

		Greg, lee@uhccux.uhcc.hawaii.edu

mirk@warwick.UUCP (Mike Taylor) (01/16/89)

In article <1995@cadre.dsl.PITTSBURGH.EDU> geb@cadre.dsl.pittsburgh.edu (Gordon E. Banks) writes:
>If reductionism allows us to make progress in understanding all parts
>of the universe we have heretofore investigated, why should the same
>method not work in the case of the human mind?

Because the human mind is, by its very nature, something that can only
be observed in its entirety from within, and this viewpoint of conciousness
that we have is not succeptible to reductionist methods because we cannot
view the phenomenon objectively.  It is an intrinsically subjective thing.

Thomas Nagel's article "What is it like to be a bat?" (which can be
found in Hofstadter & Dennet's "The Mind's I") makes this point in
rather more detail, but in a very dull and dry way, IMHBDO.  His basic
point is that we cannot understand what it is like to be a bat because
it is a feeling subjective to the bat (if it is conscious at all).  We
can imagine what it would be like for ourselves to be a bat - but to
have a true picture of the phenomenon of bat-consciousness, we must
understand what it is like for the bat to be bat.  Clear?  No, I
didn't think so :-( :-)

I will try to restate the point in its bare form: to analyse something
by reductive techniques, we must be able to view it objectively.  But
to view consciousness objectively is to omit the most important aspect
of the phenomenon, namely the subjective experience of it, and thus
any reductionist anaysis made on this basis will be incomplete and/or

There - that wasn't so bad, was it? :-)
Mike Taylor - {Christ,M{athemat,us}ic}ian ...  Email to: mirk@uk.ac.warwick.cs
*** Unkle Mirk sez: "Em9 A7 Em9 A7 Em9 A7 Em9 A7 Cmaj7 Bm7 Am7 G Gdim7 Am" ***

abrown@homxc.ATT.COM (A.BROWN) (01/17/89)

Can someone please E-mail the difference between reductionism and
non-reductionism.  I'm doing a paper on Artificial Intelligence.
Which argues that given the proper sample space, computers can
adequately simulate the 'Primitive Visual System'. I now need to
conclude but am stuck as to whether this validates either system.
                                           Thanks a million

lee@uhccux.uhcc.hawaii.edu (Greg Lee) (01/18/89)

From article <5038@homxc.ATT.COM>, by abrown@homxc.ATT.COM (A.BROWN):
" Can someone please E-mail the difference between reductionism and
" non-reductionism...

The Encyclopedia of Philosophy has some stuff under Laws and Theories,
Reductionism, which begins:  "Since theories do not refer directly to
observables, at least prima iacie, and do not make directly testable
statements, the first attempt to clarify their status was the suggestion
that they make a disguised reference to observables; that is, that they
provide some kind of shorthand for observation statements, or that their
content can be exhaustively translated into or reduced to observation
statements.  ..."

The article opposes reductionism to instrumentalism and realism.

So far as I can tell, this "proper" sense of 'reductionism' has
no relation to the way the term was being used in the recent
discussion in these groups, where it meant 'science'.

		Greg, lee@uhccux.uhcc.hawaii.edu

litow@csd4.milw.wisc.edu (Bruce E Litow) (01/18/89)

Recently some postings have appeared in which the type of argument (so-called)
indicated in the summary has been invoked to maintain that reductionist 
methods cannot succeed in mind studies. I cannot accept that we can use
the construction: `the mind by its very nature ...' when we haven't
a clue as to what that `very nature' might be. In arguments based on
this construction one is always forced at some point into actually
accepting that there is a mind in toto which escapes whatever approach
is being argued against. That is the mind is an entity. 
(Following Rilke perhaps the ``Angels'' see it entire)
Once this is admitted
,then mind study is on par with physics which also faces a unity (the
universe) about which all our understanding has come from reductionist methods.
An interesting extended attempt in support of the claim 
that mind studies cannot proceed via reduction is given in Fodor's ``Modularity
of Mind''. However,Fodor only makes the case for cognition being beyond
our present reductions and nothing more. 

I believe that there is tremendous confusion in mind studies between e.g.
general,metaphysical speculation about mind and reductions such as 
neurophysiology,molecular physiology,linguistic inquiries,etc. The first is
limited because it only rarely can provide testable hypotheses. It is
unscientific. Its utility comes from inspiring people to examine
things but it is useless for carrying out research about mind. We have nothing
else but reduction when it comes to science.

geb@cadre.dsl.PITTSBURGH.EDU (Gordon E. Banks) (01/19/89)

In article <906@ubu.warwick.UUCP> mirk@uk.ac.warwick.cs (Mike Taylor) writes:
>In article <1995@cadre.dsl.PITTSBURGH.EDU> geb@cadre.dsl.pittsburgh.edu (Gordon E. Banks) writes:
>>If reductionism allows us to make progress in understanding all parts
>>of the universe we have heretofore investigated, why should the same
>>method not work in the case of the human mind?
>Because the human mind is, by its very nature, something that can only
>be observed in its entirety from within, and this viewpoint of conciousness
>that we have is not succeptible to reductionist methods because we cannot
>view the phenomenon objectively.  It is an intrinsically subjective thing.
Certainly the mind can not be observed in its entirety from within.
Introspection is a very poor tool for understanding the mind.  If
we were able to understand the hardware (wetware) in which the mind
is implemented, and create simulations which show similar behavior
to minds, then don't you think we would be able to better understand
the natural mind?  Especially since we could perform experiments with
the simulations which we cannot do easily with the mind?