[sci.bio] digitizers and software: Responses

riedl@cs.purdue.EDU (John T Riedl) (04/14/88)

Thanks very much for the help in choosing a method for measuring
volumes.  I've received several suggestions for companies that 
sell digitizer pads and software, and two recommendations for 
cameras that digitize through a microscope.  Currently, we're 
contacting the companies to get more information.  If anyone wants
a copy of the information I received, contact me directly.

I was interested in the Archimedean suggestions.  Unfortunately,
my wife tells me that it would be hard to disect out just the part
of the brain they are interested in, especially since they measure 
several volumes in each brain.  They also do some qualitative analysis
for which they prefer to have complete cross-sectional slices.

John Riedl
{ucbvax,decvax,hplabs}!purdue!riedl  -or-  riedl@mordred.cs.purdue.edu