[sci.bio] question on genetics of human hair color

robert@blake.acs.washington.edu (Gedankenleere) (01/31/89)

 Does anybody know what the probability of producing a child with bright
red hair from a human interacial cross, where one parent has carrot-red
and the other coal black? The black-haired parent's lineage has nothing
but coal black hair, the red-haired parent's parents have brown hair, all
immidiate familiy members have brown hair, but an uncle, and an aunt have
red hair.

  When I was in the Far East, I sometimes saw children with blue eyes
and blond hair, but with subtle "Asiatic" features, obviously the products
of interacial laisons. (Or with blonde hair and brown eyes, white skin.)
Does anybody know the probability of these occurances?

 (In the U.S., such things are more common in Hawaii.)