[sci.bio] eye movement monitor wanted

velte@mimsy.UUCP (Jack Velte) (02/13/89)

I am looking for the names and addresses of companies that sell
eye movement monitoring devices.  These devices can tell exactly
where a person is looking.  I would like to find a device that
doesn't require a head set or a chin rest and costs less than
$20k.  Thanks for any information.

Jack Velte @ University of MD
domain:	velte@mimsy.umd.edu	path: seismo!mimsy!velte

bph@buengc.BU.EDU (Blair P. Houghton) (02/14/89)

In article <15920@mimsy.UUCP> velte@mimsy.UUCP (Jack Velte) writes:
>I am looking for the names and addresses of companies that sell
>eye movement monitoring devices.  These devices can tell exactly
>where a person is looking.  I would like to find a device that
>doesn't require a head set or a chin rest and costs less than
>$20k.  Thanks for any information.

One of the PhD candidates upstairs in BioMed (I forget his name, drat)
is measuring the eye movement of infants.  He uses annular, soft contact
lenses (i.e., with the middle cut out) in which are embedded several
turns of fine copper wire; the lenses go in the eyes, and the head goes
in a constant magnetic field.  Voila.

Obviously, this works by measuring movement and not position, but what's
an integration, and when do babies ever sit still, anyway?

				  "Bilingual Puns Available
				   with Advance Notice."
P.S.  I really don't know how to contact the guy, and he's probably
graduated and gone by now.  Just thought I'd describe the setup, cuz
I thought it was neat.