[sci.bio] Slime mold???

doug@netcom.COM (Doug Merritt) (06/11/91)

Does slime mold ever settle into a form that resembles a sponge?

Something that *looks* like a sponge sometimes appears out of a crack
in the tile in my bathroom (moist environment), and shows indications of
having moved up to 6 inches laterally overnight. This has happened twice
now, and I want to know if I should call an exorcist or not. :-)

The body was about 2 inches wide & deep the first time, and this
time was about 2 inches wide but maybe 5 inches long. It looks very
much like a sponge (off yellow, dotted with tiny holes etc), but is
rather crumbly when it's cleaned away.

I'm wildly guessing that it might be slime mold simply because I understand
the latter is capable of moving, but I don't know really what I'm
looking at.
Doug Merritt				doug@netcom.com (apple!netcom!doug)
	-or-  sun.com!jfrank!doug	-or-  doug@eris.berkeley.edu
Professional Wild-eyed Visionary	Member, Crusaders for a Better Tomorrow

winalski@psw.enet.dec.com (Paul S. Winalski) (06/11/91)

In article <1991Jun10.195758.16977@netcom.COM>,
doug@netcom.COM (Doug Merritt) writes:
|>Something that *looks* like a sponge sometimes appears out of a crack
|>in the tile in my bathroom (moist environment), and shows indications of
|>having moved up to 6 inches laterally overnight. This has happened twice
|>now, and I want to know if I should call an exorcist or not. :-)
|>The body was about 2 inches wide & deep the first time, and this
|>time was about 2 inches wide but maybe 5 inches long. It looks very
|>much like a sponge (off yellow, dotted with tiny holes etc), but is
|>rather crumbly when it's cleaned away.

Yup, sounds like a slime mold all right.  They start out stringy, slimy,
and shiny yellow.  When they have formed spores, they get to the spongy,
crumbly state you saw.