[sci.bio] Want to house-sit/work in New England

carboy@hubcap.UUCP (Carol F Boyer) (12/15/87)

(NOTE:  I am posting this to a diverse set of newsgroups to
try to catch someone going on sabbatical, extended vacation,
or suchlike in the next few months).

     A friend of mine would like to relocate to New England after
having spent the last 8 years in San Francisco (besides being 
interested in a change of scenery, she's also looking for some
straight guys to date!).  She has some money saved up, but not
a lot.  She needs an inexpensive place to live and/or a job to 
tide her through 'til she finds something more permanent.

     Does anyone out there in netland taking a sabbatical or long
vacation (a couple months to a year) need a housesitter?

     She is very capable and versatile (i.e. is very intelligent
and meticulous in her work and has acquired a large repertoire of
of diverse skills in 8 years of selective "temping" with Kelly 
services).  She would be a good research assistant or executive
secretary, but would be interested in almost any kind of job.

     She is not on the net, so send e-mail to me.  In fact, send
Snail mail to me, too, and I will forward it to her.  Thanks
in advance.

Carol Boyer                          carboy@hubcap.clemson.edu 
Agronomy Dept.
Clemson University                   ...gatech!hubcap!carboy
Clemson, S.C.  29634-0359

(803) 656-3503 or (803) 882-3602

len@csd4.milw.wisc.edu (Leonard P Levine) (12/17/87)

In article <803@hubcap.UUCP> carboy@hubcap.UUCP (Carol F Boyer) writes:
>     A friend of mine would like to relocate to New England after
>having spent the last 8 years in San Francisco (besides being 
>interested in a change of scenery, she's also looking for some
>straight guys to date!).  She has some money saved up, but not
>a lot.  She needs an inexpensive place to live and/or a job to 
>tide her through 'til she finds something more permanent.

That was very funny, although a bit long.

This was the first joke on this group that I had not seen before.

randy@umn-cs.cs.umn.edu (Randy Orrison) (12/18/87)

The depths to which people will sink to get a laugh.  Personally, I didn't
find it very funny at all.

ObJoke:  Microsoft Windows.
Randy Orrison, University of Minnesota School of Mathematics  |
UUCP:	{ihnp4, seismo!rutgers, sun}!umn-cs!randy	      |  (hello?)
ARPA:	randy@ux.acss.umn.edu		BITNET: randy@umnacca |
"I need a unit to sample and hold, but not the angry one: a new design."