[sci.bio] Molecular Modelling Software

shan@mcf.UUCP (01/29/87)

I'm posting this for a colleague, please mail replies to him at the
address below:
	We are a cancer research institution, with a recently established
        VAX Computer Facility. (This is a DEC VAX 11/750 running 4.2bsd)
	Investigators in our Chemistry Department are involved in studies 
	of mechanisms of drug action related to protein and nucleic acid
	biosynthesis.  We are slightly aware of the emerging field
	of computer-aided analysis of molecular structure and design, but
	as yet have no practical experience, and seek advice in getting

	Specifically, we have immediate needs to study antibiotics which
	inhibit protein synthesis, including chloramphenicol and 
	puromycin (mol. wts. ~300-400 daltons). We wish to examine the
	similarities and differences between the molecular structure of 
	such compounds and the structure of tRNA molecules - particularly
	the amino acid carrying end. We wish to look at molecular overlap,
	both regular and inversion (or retroversion).

	Any advice on hardware, software, and analytical approaches would
	be appreciated. We are novices, but ambitious, and assistance at
	any level will be both appreciated and useful.
					Dr. Phil Paine

Please e-mail replies to the address below:
	...{back bone}..!ihnp4!mb2c!mcf!phil
or 	telephone (313)-833-0710 x 262
	michigan cancer foundation
	110 east warren avenue
	detroit, michigan 48201

coray@nucsrl.UUCP (02/06/87)

Similarly, I am interested in ab initio approaches to the structure of
macromolecules, and (not necessarily similarly) I am overwhelmed by
my own ignorance.  Any references on the subject would be most welcome.

M. Elizabeth Corey
Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
Northwestern University
Evanston, IL  60201

or e-mail me (is that really a verb?) at ihnp4!nucsrl!coray

(or post a response... or...)

damour@osiris.UUCP (02/09/87)

Yes Virginia, e-mail is a verb!  (and a noun, is English wonderful!)
Chris D'Amour - The Biologist With A Mission!