[sci.bio] Swimming Speeds of Fish

HCM100@psuvm.psu.edu (Hans C. Masing) (01/28/91)

In article <11154@uhccux.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu>, davidh@uhunix1.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu (David
A. Helweg) says:
>[ This article was blank ! ]


         As a filler until you get the article out, I'll just say:

         1)  Slow.
         2)  Medium.
         3)  Fast.
         4)  Very Fast.
         5)  Upside down and reeeeaaaaaallly slow.

         By the way, you live in Hawaii, can you get ahold of local
     regs on harvesting local rock/sand for non-commercial use?
     Mahalo in advance! (I lived in Kailua until July of this year!)


| INTERNET:  HCM100 @ PSUVM.PSU.EDU *----------------------------------*
| BITNET:    HCM100 @ PSUVM         | "In all things it is a good idea |
*-----------------------------------| to hang a question mark now and  |
    | Hans Christopher Masing       | then on the things we have taken |
    | 3732 Beech Avenue             | for granted."  -Bertrand Russel  |
    | Erie, Pennsylvania  16508     *----------------------------------*