[sci.bio] Biopolicy, biopolitics - and biological science.

hes@ecsvax.UUCP (Henry Schaffer) (02/08/88)

"Nazi racial and biological policy grew out of a well-established and
generally accepted scientific tradition."

"Many well-respected scientists used their authority as scientists to
advance racist doctrines in the name of science."

  These are quoted from the provocative article, "Biological Science
and the Roots of Nazism" by George J. Stein in the Jan-Feb '88 issue
of American Scientist, published by Sigma Xi, The Research Society.
(pages 50-58.)

  I'm not going to try to condense this article, but I will recommend
that you read it.  It certainly is thought provoking, and it does relate
to the current discussion in this group as to whether certain theories
should be suppressed lest they give support to undesireable public

--henry schaffer  n c state univ