[sci.bio] Book on Speciation

isaak@mosquito.imagen.com (mark isaak) (06/19/91)

Some of you may be interested in the following short book review,
taken from the Winter 1991 _OTS Liana_ (newsletter of the Organization
for Tropical Studies).  Can anyone comment more fully on the book?

_Speciation and Its Consequences_
    1989.  Daniel Otte and John A. Endler (eds.).  Sinauer Associates,
Inc., Sunderland, MA. 679 p

    A large cast of evolutionary practitioners has been assembled to
write on current "Concepts of Species," "Genetic Structure of Species
Boundaries," "Effects of Population Structure on Speciation,"
"Biogeography and Ecology of Speciation:  Background and Theory,"
"Biogeography and Ecology of Speciation:  Empirical Studies," and
"Evolutionary Consequences of Speciation."  As the editors note in the
preface, the book illustrates the inhomogeneity among diverse taxa in
their patterns and processes of speciation and differentiation.
Diverse approaches of study yielding contradictory ideas and
interpretations has led them to conclude that the "field [itself] is
in a state of rapid evolutionary radiation."
Mark Isaak    imagen!isaak@decwrl.dec.com  or  {decwrl,sun}!imagen!isaak
	       "The color of truth is gray." - Andre Gide