[sci.bio] Methods Books

dan@wystan.bsd.uchicago.edu (Dan Rohwer-Nutter) (06/27/90)

In article <22785@boulder.Colorado.EDU>, eesnyder@boulder.Colorado.EDU (Eric E. 
Snyder) writes:

>Check out the new Maniatis, _Handbook of Molecular Cloning_ or some such;
>it is Bible of Mol. Bio.

My mother always said I liked to start arguements, so here goes.

What is the general consensus about molecular biology protocol handbooks?

I have used the following:

	Maniatis, et al.	_Handbook of Mol. Cloning_
	Perbal			_Practical Guide to Mol. Cloning_
	Ausubel, et al., ed.	_Current Protocols in Mol. Bio._
	Davis, et al.		_Basic Methods in Mol. Bio._
	Berger & Kimmel, ed.	_Methods in Enzymology_, vol. 152
	Promega Corp.		_Protocols and Applications_

I find that none of these is a definitive reference for everything I do.  The 
_Methods in Enzymology_ seems to be the best of the bunch, but I still don't 
like some of the things I see in it.  Is there anyone out there who has found 
a single book that's got it's crap together on _all_ of its protocols?  I'd 
appreciate the ref.  Thanks, Dan.

					Dan Rohwer-Nutter
					The University of Chicago
					Department of Neurology

	   "I'll take the job if the office has a window."