[sci.bio] Recommended book by Mayr

rh@smds.UUCP (Richard Harter) (08/07/90)

I have been reading for pleasure and profit Ernst Mayr's book
"Toward a new philosophy of biology, Observations of an 
evolutionist", Harvard University Press, 1988, ISBN 0-674-89666-1.
I recommend it highly.  I expect I will be quoting from it and
discussing thoughts drawn from it from time to time.  For the
moment here is the table of contents:

I	Philosophy
	1	Is Biology an Autonomous Science?
	2	Cause and Effect in Biology
	3	The Multiple Meanings of Teleological
	4	The Probability of Extraterrestrial Life
	5	The Origins of Human Ethics

II	Natural Selection
	6	An analysis of the Concept of Natural Selection
	7	Philosophical Aspects of Natural Selection

III	Adaptation
	8	Adaptation and Selection
	9	How to Carry Out the Adaptationist Program?

IV	Darwin
	10	Darwin, Intellectual Revolutionary
	11	The Challenge of Darwinism
	12	What is Darwinism?
	13	Darwin and Natural Selection
	14	The Concept of Finality in Darwin and After Darwin
	15	The Death of Darwin?

V	Diversity
	16	Toward a Synthesis in Biological Classification
	17	Museums and Biological Laboratories
	18	Problems in the Classification of Birds

VI	Species
	19	The Species Category
	20	The Ontology of the Species Taxon

VII	Speciation
	21	Processes of Speciation in Animals
	22	Evolution of Fish Species Flocks
VIII	Macroevolution
	23	Does microevolution explain Macroevolution
	24	The Unity of the Genotype
	25	Speciation and Macroevolution
	26	Speciational Evolution through Punctuated Equilibria

IX	Historical Perspective
	27	On Weismann's Growth as an Evolutionist
	28	On the Evolutionary Synthesis and After

I gave the table of contents just to illustrate the variety and depth
of the topics discussed.  The following appeared in New Scientest,
"Mayr is the greatest living commentator on biology; and if biology
is what you do, as a resarcher, teacher, writer, or as an amaterur,
then this is a book you should own."  Definitely.
Richard Harter, Software Maintenance and Development Systems, Inc.
Net address: jjmhome!smds!rh Phone: 508-369-7398 
US Mail: SMDS Inc., PO Box 555, Concord MA 01742
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