[sci.bio] sensory-deprivation chambers

frodo@ingr.UUCP (Chuck Puckett) (05/05/88)

I cast this seed into various newsgroups, in the hope that somebody will
have the information (that VGER requires?): to wit, I am looking for plans 
for the building of a sensory deprivation chamber. The idea seems simple
enough, but I haven't the foggiest of where to look for construction details,
etc. If you have a clue, can name sources, or have any ideas on the
subject, please email. If the subject warrants general discussion, let's have
a go: _Altered States_, the researches of John Lilly, and other tidbits have
piqued my curiosity, to the point that I've decided to try and build on
meself. TIA (thanks in advance).

"It's all a dream we dreamed one afternoon, long ago"


yoon@eos.UUCP (Wan Yoon) (05/06/88)

In article <2027@ingr.UUCP> frodo@ingr.UUCP (Chuck Puckett) writes:
>I cast this seed into various newsgroups, in the hope that somebody will
>have the information (that VGER requires?): to wit, I am looking for plans 
>for the building of a sensory deprivation chamber. The idea seems simple
>enough, but I haven't the foggiest of where to look for construction details,
>etc. If you have a clue, can name sources, or have any ideas on the
>subject, please email. If the subject warrants general discussion, let's have
>a go: _Altered States_, the researches of John Lilly, and other tidbits have
>piqued my curiosity, to the point that I've decided to try and build on
>meself. TIA (thanks in advance).
>"It's all a dream we dreamed one afternoon, long ago"
The movie's story was fictious, but the name 'altered state' and the
research effort was real (I guess you knew).  A book named something 
like '3 pound universe' mentioned Dr. Lilly's research in a chapter 
also covering the concept of altered state.  It may have some pointers
to more references. Also, because the researchers were real, you can
trace them to find and ask how they did it (half :-)  One of the basics
was a sonically isolated bathtub filled with a liquid of exactly same 
gravity as our body. Hope this help.

Wan C. Yoon                  US. Mail:   MS 239-2 
(415) 694-6282                           NASA Ames Research Center
yoon@eos.arc.nasa.gov                    Moffett Field, CA 94035