[sci.bio] Creationism

cipher@mmm.UUCP (Andre Guirard) (10/20/87)

In article <257@ddsw1.UUCP> dino@ddsw1.UUCP (Laura Watson) writes:
> the [Bible] verse which says something like: "The earth was 
>without form and void" could be *equally* *as* *well* translated
>from the original Hebrew as "The earth became a waste and a desolation."
>This comes right before the bit about the world being created in 6 days
>and nights, implying that God *RE*created the world in 6 days and nights 
>after wiping out an older failed model.  Everybody knows the earth is
>older than 5248 years.  

Ms. Watson seems to be implying that the Earth was laid waste 5,248
years ago.  If Ms. Watson doesn't have any scientific evidence to
support this conclusion, I suggest she go and sulk in the corner.
I'm sorry that science has left Ms. Watson behind, but I wish she
would quit trying to drag others back with her.

>People who believe in evolution don't keep up with creationism.

This is because we know better than to waste our time on it.

However, lest Ms. Watson accuse me of being closed-minded, I will
state that I welcome any argument she has to put forth that is based on
_scientific_ principles.  The requirements are:

	- Quotes and references only from generally recognized
	  scientific sources.  The Holy Bible is therefore
	  excluded.  Data from experiments you conduct yourself
	  is allowed.

	- Any theory proposed must be testable.  I.e., if it is
	  false there must be a way to prove that it's false.
	  In addition, the theory must pass such tests as are
	  put to it.

	- Assertions made without supporting evidence are not allowed.
	  Evidence must come from sources as mentioned above.

	- For the theory to gain acceptance, it must make better
	  predictions (more often correct) than the old accepted
	  theory, or make equally good predictions but be much simpler.

I am well aware that Ms. Watson will think these requirements unfair,
but I don't see why she feels that so-called "creation science" should
be the only theory exempt from them.
 /''`\   DISCLAIMER: Ideas should not be        Andre Guirard
([]-[])     held responsible for the		ihnp4!mmm!cipher
 \ o /      people who believe in them.		Ombro de Sro. Ed.