[sci.bio] Rape in the animal kingdom

davidbro@microsoft.UUCP (Dave BROWN) (11/16/90)

Since I couldn't find a sci.anthropology (or the like), I thought
that this group is most appropriate.

I would like to collect references, both pro and con, about the
incidence of rape in the (non-human) animal kingdom.

Does it occur?  Is it only a human phenomena?  I'd like to
think so, but I want to see reliable references.

Please don't post, I don't normally read this group.  Send the responses
to microsoft!davidbro@uunet.uu.net...


Dave Brown                                       ...!uunet!microsoft!davidbro
...ni ssendriew eht tel eW
"the night doesn't like it...
 looks just like your face in the moon to me"