[sci.bio] lobster

johnr@tekig4.UUCP (John Rettig) (10/16/86)

In article <882@mit-vax.UUCP>, slk@mit-vax.UUCP (Ling Ku) writes:

> What I would like to know is the most painless (for the lobster)
> way to kill it FAST without cooking it 'cause I like to chop 
> it up and pan fry it with seasonings.  Anyone familiar with
> crustacean neural system?

Betty Crocker instructs one to slice between the eyes with a sharp
knife before "the big plunge".

Seen in a Gary Larson calendar:  Lobster about to go into
the pot alive, with last words

"Auntie Em, Auntie Em, there's no place like home..."

dantso@bach.BERKELEY.EDU (Dan Ts'o) (10/17/86)

In article <882@mit-vax.UUCP> slk@mit-vax.UUCP (Siu-Ling Ku) writes:
>It is kind of late to bring up the issue since I have already 
>slaughtered numerous living, kicking lobsters this summer.
>What I would like to know is the most painless (for the lobster)
>way to kill it FAST without cooking it 'cause I like to chop 
>it up and pan fry it with seasonings.  Anyone familiar with
>crustacean neural system?

	I believe Julia Child recommends plunging the lobster into a pot
of boiling water for a couple of minutes. I have tried this technique
and it works well. The meat is not cooked so you can stir-fry or saute.
The idea was that damaging the lobster's nervous system with a knife
wasn't really the most humane since the lobster has a more distributed
nervous system.

	BTW, what is this article doing in net.med ?