[sci.bio] \"

shott@vdsvax.steinmetz.ge.com (J.T. Shott) (03/31/88)

Subject: Genome Research
Sender: Kurt Thearling
Reply-To: kurt%bach@uxc.cso.uiuc.edu
Distribution: \"Distribution
Organization: Computer Systems Group
Keywords: GENOME

I would appreciate if if someone could recommend a good introductory
reference on GENOME research (on the level of Scientific American 
or Science).  I am also looking for a reference on the information
content (i.e., entropy) in the GENOME sequence as well as efficient
representation schemes for the sequence.

Please email any responses to me since I do not normally have access 
to this newsgroup.


Kurt Thearling

kurt@bach.csg.uiuc.edu          or        kurt%bach@uxc.cso.uiuc.edu

			   J. Thomas Shott
"Better living through Silicon"		shott@ge-crd.arpa
General Electric CR&D			shott@ge-crd.uucp
Schenectady, NY, 12301			...!uunet!steinmetz!vdsvax!shott