6500boo@ucsbuxa.ucsb.edu (William Bushing) (10/28/90)

Greetings from sunny southern California (although I'm locked up
in the lab with no windows to look out of!):

I'm not sure this is the right forum to post this on. I just
subscribed recently.

One of many topics I'm interested in is the subject of ecological
restoration, sometimes referred to as conservation biology...
the restoration of degraded ecosystems to (as much as possible)
their "pristine" state.

I'm working with the Catalina Conservancy on Santa Catalina Island
which has begun an ecological restoration program on the island
starting with the removal of feral animals such as goat and pig.
I'm trying to find information on other ecological restoration pro-
jects in similar environments (native grassland, coastal sage scrub
and oak chaparral) throughout the world. Would like to know more
about the techniques used and problems faced in such attempts.

We're also researching monitoring techniques including aerial
photos, Landsat and SPOT satellite images and GIS. Anyone with
any pertinent experience in utilizing those for monitoring the
recovery of vegetation... such as after fires, clear cutting
or other disasters... I'd welcome hearing from.

Many thanks for any suggestions.

Bill Bushing

"Life is too important to be taken seriously"    - Einstein