[sci.bio] Molecular Graphics Society Conference

wright@hatteras.cs.unc.edu (Bill Wright) (05/04/91)


May 13-17, 1991


The Molecular Graphics Society sponsors an annual conference 
that provides a platform for disseminating the latest 
developments in computer-aided molecular study and design.

The presentations and discussions among participants should 
be of interest to all those involved in the investigation of 
molecular structure, function. The meeting  will offer a 
forum for detailed appraisal of the techniques and 
technologies of computer graphics as applied to the field of 
molecular modeling. 

The conference technical program will consist of invited 
speakers, contributed papers, and posters. There will be 
technical exhibits by commercial vendors of molecular 
graphics hardware and software. The remainder of the program 
includes continental breakfast each morning, refreshment 
breaks and lunch each day, an evening reception to open the 
conference on Monday evening, a barbecue on Tuesday evening 
and a conference dinner on Thursday evening. A sightseeing 
program for participants' guests is planned. There is a 
reservation form for sightseeing. There will be an additional 
charge for this program.

The conference will take in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, on 
the campus of The University of North Carolina. Chapel Hill 
is a small community of about 40,000. In May the weather is 
usually very pleasant with daytime temperatures in the upper 
70s and nighttime lows in the 60s; however, you should be 
prepared for a shower. The University of North Carolina is 
one vertex of North Carolina's Research Triangle (Raleigh, 
Durham, Chapel Hill) in the center of which is the Research 
Triangle Park and the Raleigh-Durham Airport. The conference 
will open with a reception on Monday evening, May 13. All 
technical sessions will be held in Hanes Art Center 
Auditorium on the University campus. Meals will be served at 
the Carolina Inn.

The registration fee for members of the Molecular Graphics 
Society is $275. For non-members, the registration fee is 
$300. The registration fee includes conference registration, 
reception, refreshment breaks, lunches, the barbecue and the 
conference dinner. .Full time students need not pay a 
registration fee; however.if students wish to purchase 
tickets to lunches, the barbecue, and the conference dinner, 
these may be purchased separately (see registration form). 
Students who have already paid a registration fee will have 
the amount of the fee refunded. We will make every effort to 
work with our caterers to honor any special dietary needs 
expressed on your registration form. Although we would prefer 
to receive your registration in advance either by mail, email  
or fax, on-site registration is possible.

Hotel arrangements are to be handled by the individual 
directly with the conference hotels. Blocks of rooms have 
been reserved at two nearby hotels and at a student 
dormitory. One block of rooms is at the Carolina Inn, located 
about a block away from Hanes Auditorium, site of the 
conference. Another block of rooms has been reserved at the 
Omni Europa several miles away. Transportation will be 
provided from the Omni Europa to the conference site. A third 
block of rooms has been reserved at Granville Towers 
dormitory two blocks from Hanes Auditorium. Room reservation 
forms giving all pertinent details are included in this 
conference announcement 

The local airport is Raleigh-Durham International (RDU). 
American Airlines is the official carrier for the Molecular 
Graphics Society International Conference, offering special 
fares to North American conferees:  5% saving off published 
excursion fare with the US, or 40% (Canada 35%) off the full 
coach fare with a 7-day advance purchase valid from May 12-
19, 1991. Call 1-800-433-1790 and refer to STAR FILE S/151GC 
to obtain the discount.

For transportation to the Carolina Inn, contact LTD Services. 
LTD operates by reservation. In order to be picked up, call 
LTD (1-800-432-8008 or 919-840-1829) at least one day in 
advance and give the time, flight number and airline you will 
arrive on. You may call after you arrive but you may have a 
substantial wait. When you arrive at the airport, go to the 
Customer Service Booth and obtain a voucher. The cost with 
voucher is $10.00 per person. The Omni Europa provides 
complimentary transportation from the airport for all hotel 
guests. These arrangements should be made directly with their 
reservations office. Taxis, which you can take to any 
location in Chapel Hill for about $25.00, are generally 
waiting outside the airport terminals. 


Jurgen Brickmann, Technische Hochschule-Darmstadt, 
"Interactive Manipulation of Solid Molecular Models"
Bruce Bush, Merck "Visualizing the Role of Dielectric 
Solvation in Ligand-protein Binding"
Andrew Dearing, Shell UK Research Laboratory "The State of 
Computer-Assisted Molecular Design in the Early 90s"
Robert Langridge, University of California-San Francisco, 
"Molecular Image Representations and their Uses"
Rod Hubbard, York University, "How Far Can You Go?"
James Milner-White, University of Glasgow, "Employing 
Hydrogen Bond Information to Provide More Informative 
Displays of Whole Proteins"
Edward Tufte, Yale University "Envisioning Information"
Hideaki Umeyama, Kitasato University-Tokyo "Predictive 
Contribution of Protein Engineering and Computer Graphics for 
Drug Design"


"A New Approach to the Rapid Determination of Protein Side-
chain Conformations: Implications for the Analysis of Side-
Chains Connectivity" P. Tuffery & S. Hazout, Universit de 
Paris & C. Etchebast & R. Lavery, Institut de Biologie 
"Automated Site-Directed Drug Design Using Molecular 
Lattices," Richard Lewis, Imperial Cancer Research Fund & 
Diana Roe & Irwin Kuntz, University of California-San 
"HINT: Graphical Visualization of Molecular Hydrophobicity 
and Hydrophobic Interactions in Proteins and Small 
Molecules," Glenn Kellogg, Medical College of Virginia
"Sculpt: Interactive Manipulation of Proteins while Modeling 
Atomic Forces," Mark Surles, University of North Carolina at 
Chapel Hill
"Interactive Computation and Display of Molecular 
Surfaces,"T.J. O'Donnell, O'Donnell Associates
"Computer Animation of Photosynthesis," Nelson Max, Lawrence 
Livermore National  Lab.
"A Visual Protein Crystallographic Software System for 
Xview," Duncan McRee, Scripps Clinic
"A Language for Molecular Visualization," Thomas Palmer, Cray 
Research, Inc.
"FLIMMSY-A Flexible Visualization Tool for Use on UNIX 
Workstations," Nigel Richards & Stephen Chamberlin, 
University of Florida
"Shape Analysis of Protein Surfaces," Bruce Duncan & Arthur 
Olson, Scripps Clinic
Cavity Search: An Algorithm for the Isolation and Display of 
Cavity-Like Binding Regions,"Chris Ho & Garland Marshall, 
Washington  University
"Exhaustive Search for Optimal Shape Complementarity of 
Molecular Surface Sections," Anne Badel & Serge Hazout, 
INSERM & Jean Paul Mornon, CNRS
"The Conformational Analysis of Flexible Molecules Within 
Macromolecular Receptor Sites," Andrew Leach, Robert 
Langridge & Irwin Kuntz, University of California-San 
"Computer Simulation of Substrate Docking and Diffusion," 
David Goodsell & Arthur Olson, Scripps Clinic
"Prediction of Antibody-Antigen Docking by a Parallel Global 
Search,"P.H. Walls & M.J.E. Sternberg, Imperial Cancer 
Research Fund
"Probing Active Site Surfaces: A 'Groping' Experience," 
Vivian Cody, Medical Foundation of Buffalo

Mike Pique, Scripps Clinic

Russ Athay, Biosym Technologies
Mike Carson, University of Alabama-Birmingham
Michael Connolly, New York University
Tom Ferrin, University of California-San Francisco
Mike Hann, Glaxo
Akiko Itai, University of Tokyo
John McAllister, Tripos Associates
Jean Paul Mornon, Universites de Paris VI et VII
Haruki Nakamura, Protein Engineering Research Institute
Jane Richardson, Duke University
Hikeaki Umeyama, Kitasato Universtiy
Jacques Weber,University of Geneva
Shoshana Wodak, Universit Libre de Bruxelles

Conference Chairman
Frederick P. Brooks, Jr., University of North Carolina-Chapel 

Please make reservations directly  with the hotel and 
refer to the Molecular Graphics Conference

PO Box 1100, Chapel Hill, NC  27514  Group 1402
919-933-2001 or 1-800-962-8519 fax to 919-962-3400
Circle desired accommodation:
		single $42-65	double $52-80
Guest Name____________________________________
Share with____________________________________
Reservations will be held until 6:00 pm on arrival date 
unless a one night deposit is received or is guaranteed with 
American Express, Visa, or Mastercard..

Card name ______________________Exp. date ______
Card number ____________________________________
Signature ______________________________________

1 Europa Drive, Chapel Hill 27514
919-968-4900 or 800-334-4280
In making your reservations, please refer to the Molecular 
Graphics Conference.
Circle desired accommodation:
single $65	double $70
Guest Name____________________________________
Share with ___________________________________
Reservations will be held until 6:00 pm on arrival date 
unless a one night deposit is received or is guaranteed with 
a credit card.
Card name ______________________Exp. date ______
Card number ____________________________________
Signature ______________________________________

University Square
Chapel Hill, NC  27514
In making your reservations, please refer to the Molecular 
Graphics Conference.
Rooms have 2 twin beds with bath shared with others in 
adjoining room. 
The rate is $36.72 per room per day. Complete payment is 
required in advance. 
Check type of accommodation: 
___Double-2 people in twin room
___Single-1 person in twin room 
___Male ___Female
Guest Name____________________________________
Share with ___________________________________


The region around Chapel Hill offers excellent opportunities 
to study the history of the region, to sample regional 
crafts, and to shop. We have outlined three tours for any 
family members or guests who would like to enjoy our 
countryside. The cost listed is for the tour only and does 
not include the cost of lunch. Please check the tours you are 
registering for in the space provided. These tours are 
designed for guests accompanying meeting participants and 
take place during the technical sessions.
Group Tours
	Date		Description	        Cost
__ Tues., May 14	Tour of Hillsborough
   10:00 am-3:00 pm        Historic District	$ 4.00
		        Lunch at Colonial Inn 
		           or Regulator Cafe
		        Tour of Duke Gardens 
		           and campus 
__ Wed., May 15	        Tour of Old Salem	$15.00
   8:30 am-5:00 pm	Lunch at Salem Tavern
		        Tour of Museum of
		           Southern Decorative
__ Thurs., May 16	Alamance Battleground	no cost
   10:00 am-3:00 pm        and colonial
		        Fearrington Village
                           (shops and pottery)
		        Drive through countryside

TOTAL COST OF TOURS	                        $______
(transfer total to registration form)

Guest's name ___________________________________
(for name badge)	(please print)

Individual Tours
You may prefer to rent a car and sightsee on your own. We 
will have brochures available to describe some of the 
options. Below are several suggestions:

*Shopping at the Burlington Outlets (name brand merchandise 
    at a discounted price)
*North Carolina Art Museum in Raleigh
*Seagrove and Jugtown potteries (about 40 different potters)
*Shopping malls 

MGS conference participants' guests are also invited to 
attend the barbecue on Tuesday, May 14, from 6:00-9:00 pm at 
an additional cost of $15.00 and the conference dinner on 
Thursday, May 16, from 7:00-9:00 pm at an additional cost of 
$30.00. Please register for these on the conference 
registration form.


Please print or type the following information:
Name (for badge) _______________________________
Affiliation (for badge) ________________________
Address ________________________________________
Phone _________________ Email __________________
MGS member?  Yes __________    No_______________

Member        $275               $ ______
Non-member    $300               $ ______
Student         $0               $_______
Additional lunch tickets Tues.-Fri
                   _____x $50 =  $_______
Additional barbecue tickets
                    _____x $15.= $________
Additional conference dinner tickets
                  ____ x $30 =   $ _______
Sightseeing tour(s) cost         $ _______

       Total amount due          $________

Please make check or money order payable (in US currency) to 
Molecular Graphics Conference. We cannot accept credit 
Return to:	Mary Ducker
		Molecular Graphics Conference
		CB #3175, Sitterson Hall
		University of North Carolina
		Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3175 USA
		FAX:	919-062-1799
		email	ducker@cs.unc.edu

No refunds can be given after May 6, 1991.