[sci.bio] sequence analysis package wanted

jana@tahoe.unr.edu (Jana Dunn) (11/21/89)

We are once again shopping for a sequence analysis package
to run on our Sun 3/280 under SunOS 4.0.3.  We currently have

R. Staden's analysis package (our own buggy port from VMS) 
Hugo Martinez' ARP package from UCSF, 
and Pearson's FASTA package.  

We'd like to replace the three with a single package.

What's available?  I would appreciate addresses, prices, and
phone numbers.

Here's our wishlist:

We would like the package to be relatively inexpensive--ideally
about $2000 or less.  We can go somewhat higher, if we must.

We need to be able to access GenBank and NBRF protein (PIR)
databases, at the minimum.  If the package does not handle
multiple formats, there needs to be a sane way for dealing
with reformatting.

We would like to be able to get support, particularly in the form
of regular updates to the databases in the correct format for
the package.

We must be able to do library searches.

We would like to use the following for graphics output: tek4010 
(i.e. kermit), tek4105 (macintosh emulator) and (maybe) Sun3.  

We do not want to be restricted to graphics terminals for
those who are not interested in graphics output.

It would be GREAT if we could write postscript output to a file 
so we could send it to our laser printer.

Possibly we would want to run this on a (Sun 3/50) workstation or two, 
as well as our Sun 3/280 fileserver.

We haven't go the manpower to do our own port or maintain a buggy
package, so whatever we get has to be pretty much plug and play.

Please respond by email, if possible.  I will summarize to the
net if it seems appropriate.

		Jana Dunn
		Academic Services
		UNS Computing Services
		University of Nevada at Reno
		Reno, NV 89557-0023


elliston@msdrl.UUCP (Keith Elliston) (12/01/89)

In article <3146@tahoe.unr.edu>, jana@tahoe.unr.edu (Jana Dunn) writes:
> We are once again shopping for a sequence analysis package
> to run on our Sun 3/280 under SunOS 4.0.3.  We currently have

I think yo should take a look at the prophet system.  It has been written
by the folks at BBN under a contract from the NIH.  It runs on SUN, Ultrix
and some other flavors of Unix.
> Here's our wishlist:
> We would like the package to be relatively inexpensive--ideally
> about $2000 or less.  We can go somewhat higher, if we must.

I believe it goes for about $500.

> We would like to use the following for graphics output: tek4010 
> (i.e. kermit), tek4105 (macintosh emulator) and (maybe) Sun3.  

It does great graphics on a sun, and pretty good tek output as well.

> We do not want to be restricted to graphics terminals for
> those who are not interested in graphics output.

Does this too...

In fact, it does just about everything you listed....

> Please respond by email, if possible.  I will summarize to the
> net if it seems appropriate.

Sorry I posted this... but I think more people should know about the package,
after all it has been developed using our tax dollars.

You can get a hold of the Prophet people at:

	BBN Laboratories Inc.
	10 Moulton St.
	Cambridge, Mass  02238

A good person to talk to is either Wayne Rindone or Howard BIlofsky.

Have fun...


cfoeller@bbn.com (Carl Foeller) (12/07/89)

In article <460@msdrl.UUCP>, elliston@msdrl.UUCP (Keith Elliston)
responded to:

> In article <3146@tahoe.unr.edu>, jana@tahoe.unr.edu (Jana Dunn)
> writes:
> >
> >
> > We are once again shopping for a sequence analysis package
> > to run on our Sun 3/280 under SunOS 4.0.3.  We currently have
> >

with information describing the NIH Prophet software package.

    The following is more complete contact information for inquiries
regarding the NIH Prophet package:

email:  prophet-help@bbn.com

telephone inquiries: (617) 873-2669

full mail address (mail just addressed to the company with the 
            contract may not get correctly routed by the mailroom)

        Prophet Group
        BBN Systems and Technologies Corporation
        10 Moulton St.
        Cambridge, MA 02138

    We welcome your inquiries, whether your interest is in the
sequence analysis, molecular structure modelling, clinical data
analysis, mathematical modelling, or data management aspects of the