[sci.bio] Physiological

larry@kitty.UUCP (Larry Lippman) (12/25/90)

	I have approximately ten Mennen Medical 460-series Patient Monitor
systems for sale to qualified parties.  All system mainframes and modules
are between 5 and 10 years old, are in good physical condition, and are fully
functional.  While a common application of these systems is in surgical and
critical care (coronary, neonatal and ICU) monitoring, they are also well
suited for physiological research and teaching purposes.
	This is a 4-channel modular patient monitoring system equipped with
one isolated ECG module, one isolated blood pressure (strain gage) module,
4-channel non-fade video display, and photoelectric plethysmograph input,
with two module positions being spare.  Each mainframe also contains a
microprocessor-based computer interface for use with central monitoring,
trend data collection and arrythmia detection systems.  With some minor
ingenuity this interface can be used with a PC to provide data collection
and analysis.  Composite video output is provided for use with slave
displays and video recording devices.
	Additional ECG, blood pressure, impedance pneumograph and temperature
modules are also available, plus an optional thermal paper recorder module.
ECG modules have sufficient sensitivity for EMG and other electical potential
measurement.  Blood pressure modules may be used with 1, 2 and 4-element
transducers.  Complete operation and service documentation is available.
	Prices for a basic system start at $ 500.00, which is less than
ten percent of original acquisition cost.
	Send email for further details.  I reserve the absolute right to
decide to whom I will or will not sell these systems.  Preference will be
given to bona fide educational and research institutions, with pricing
and terms being negotiable based upon need.

Larry Lippman @ Recognition Research Corp.  "Have you hugged your cat today?"
VOICE: 716/688-1231   {boulder, rutgers, watmath}!ub!kitty!larry
FAX:   716/741-9635                  {utzoo, uunet}!/      \aerion!larry